When seeing the 1v1 map competition on forge hub, I decided to make this map, unfortunately I was unable to post it in time since I didnt have a bungie.net account linked. Now here it is. It has one central room where most of the action occurs, but that is only about 50% of the map, the rest of it is small passageways, some of which you have to crouch to walk through. Once you know the layout of this map, it is an extremely fun 1v1 map. The best 1v1 map? probably not, but I'll let you decide. *I apologize, the pics arent the best, but because of the small size of this map, it was kind of difficult to get decent pictures. For this reason, i suggest you play this map before commenting. Ok, heres a list of weapons 2 maulers 1 shotgun 1 sword 1 flamethrower 2 bruteshots 4 spikers a bunch of grenades Links to all of the pics shown above, and a few more The Central Room One of the many small passageways, this one leads you to a grav lift that takes you up to the sword, since this entire map is symmetrical, everything you see is the same on both sides, besides the central room and the sword walkway. The Sword Walkway, this is right above the central room. One of the "bases" This is where, in a 1v1 game, each player spawns, there is one on each side. Pathway to the shotgun room and lower level of central room This pic is taken from one of the bases, and leads out of it. The Shotgun Room A hole that leads from the bottom of the central room, and goes either into the base on that side, or you can go up and it puts you at the upper level of the central floor. Bungie.net Thread Other Maps I've Made Fort 0026 Curvature
You should embed the extra pictures, also, sword usually add an unfair advantage in a 1 v 1 game because your opponent is the only one who can attempt to stop you and because most 1 v 1 maps do not include open areas you can snipe or br across.
Not a bad map, have you tryed to play with more than 1v1? What the map needs is a vfew morev weapons, just a sujestion. Also this map needs a well nothing realy.
this map looks very good. it doesn't really look like a 1v1 though. I think it looks good for more people than that. nice job with the crouch hallways and everything. and the upper level looks really cool too. nice job
yea, to counter the sword there are two maulers, and shotgun which will work the best. there is also a flamethrower and fuel rod gun, which in some places could be just as effective. I guess i didnt think that anyone would care about the one corner on the map, thats why i didnt fix it, well, obviously I'm wrong.
Looks fun though your interlocking is a wee bit sloppy but it doesnt really matter. The stairscase seems a bit small as well... Anyways looks like a fun map with great gameplay.
yep this a good map! but why is it called claustrophobia? theres only a few small passages and the rest is pretty open and spaced out!
this map is pretty cool the map is well interlocked on the bottom in the main area but could use some strightening up on the stair cases and on the top level the bridges should eb slipped and then interlocked so that is flat