Nice job with the glow effects (I see what you did there!! Cheeky Bassturd. Lol, Im joking. Anyways, back on topic.....) and the reaper sig is nice. Bring out the mental wave thing on the shotgun pic.
Im curious on how you do the lines on the Picture with just the spartan render (the largest image). I have seen a tutorial on it but it never made sense. Using the pen tool perhaps? I dont know how though, i would appreciate it if i could know.
I'm looking for the same thing Matty. I found a tutorial, but it never came out the way the tutorial's lines were. I would also appreciate it. Also, do you know how to do scanlines?
Here is the tut for the Glowing Lines (I think thats what you want): A small tip: You can just download the sample PSD and copy the layer style from the lines if you cant get it to turn out right. (Left click on the glowing line layer and click copy layer style then paste it on the layer that you have your lines on) As for scanlines, its a pattern. I would explain it myself but I am lazy. If you need help understanding this, just ask.
I like the first one cuz u made it for me. Edit: stupid prepost button*ahem* its what helped me make some better ones.
That's all I did to start with [copy and paste], just changed some colours around =P Cheaters way =D Then I realised how easy it was to do myself lol... Gwahh I didn't want to explain how to add scanlines lol... But to whoever asked if you do really want to know and can't figure it out I or someone else here should be able to tell you how. Thanks =D I never really get much chance to try new stuff so I never really get better fast, but after seeing some tutorials and seeing Opo's stuff I was inspired to go back and try more stuff out =] Yeah I thought it was a cool screenshot and wanted to do somethign to it but not too much 'cause it already looked cool =P Just added depth with bluring and brought the Spartan out of the picture more with some modified levels and contrasts etc.. =] Yeah I'm thinking of using it as my sig, I dunno maybe. I'd have to redo my Avatar then xD Glad I could help somehow lol =] And it was pretty fun making that sig =P I still don't know why I did it lol, not like you wanted me too do it xD
New addition to the Library _______________________________________________________________ Also a new sig made for IvorySnake There were a few versions but this was my favourite =] ______________________________________________________________ Latest Sig Requests
mine is at the top! does that mean its your favourite? I still cant get over it's snazzy-ness. ? thats not even a word, who cares. NOT ME coz im a ruthless MothaF****r