Map Pack Series -Will Update Tomorrow-

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Robster95, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Helloooo everyone,
    its been quite a while since ive been on here, the reason for this is because i took the advice of some very wise forgers on here who said to take some time off constantly posting maps on here and to concentrate on the maps and then post them on here, so..... thats exactly what ive done.
    instead of doing my usual thing where i post a map pack a thread im going to put all my map packs up to and including part of 7, yes 7!!
    all my maps i am improving, and making better for more gametypes and more flexable for players, as well as showing on here my very own gametype 'Protect the President' i will be showing some previews of maps and hopeflly a trailer for my newest map pack, 7 (has no name atm)
    please keep in mind i am tweaking nearly all of thee maps to make them better and more flexable on gametypes!!

    so here we go, starting from the beggining:
    Map Pack 1: Relinquished
    Map 1:





    Map 2:






    okay, im afraid thats all ive got time for at the moment but i will be back tomorrow to finish this thread with the rest of map pack 1 and the other 6!!

    please dont leave hate messages on this thread just because i havent got enough time to finish it, thank you.

    Slashed out!!
    #1 Robster95, Jun 10, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  2. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    That enclosed area on map 2 is waaaayyyyy too segregated from the rest of the map. And it appears all the entrances to that area are chokes.
  3. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    spoiler'd since it's long.
    There's no unified theme for the map. Each part individually is done well but the map doesn't fit together. This also means it doesn't fit together as a covenant, UNSC, or forerunner look.

    Those coliseum windows in the floor will have z-fighting, cause players to appear to be floating slightly, or create bumps or all of the above and the added texture doesn't look good. I also seem some spots where it looks like your coliseum wall floor will have z-fighting. The railing stairs look nice but railings are expensive and can contribute significantly to framerate issues so it's best to stick with a ramp.

    The hallway is too long and narrow, and the crates will obstruct movement more than provide cover. That needs to just go away or expand into a playable space.

    What appears to be more z-fighting, especially around the drop shaft. The cones look out of place so instead raise up one or more sides of the drop shaft to keep players from falling in. It should not be lined up with the ramp. The inconsistency of railings looks bad; pick one or the other.

    Map 2:

    Way too open, more so than default hemmorhage. At least add the rocks from hemmorhage back in. The tanks will destroy everything and turn that choke point into a wall because any halfway decent driver knows how to scorpion snipe. Those need to go away.

    The bases provide less cover than those on hemmorhage which is absolutely unacceptable with scorpions and falcons or any other vehicle. The dead end for the falcon is more annoying than protective and will encourage players to camp waiting for it.

    That choke point is just bad. You need other significant paths especially for vehicles. The plasma cannon has lousy accuracy at range and the gunner would have no chance against DMR fire.

    The structure looks decent but still lacks cover and will not make up for the choke point.

    [​IMG]This area is too enclosed and will probably be the only fun battlefield with the scorpions camping and killing anything that dares to cross to their side. Despite that the caves as entrances are not enough and will act as further choke points (especially because they have direct lines of sight towards each other. There's also not enough cover and the platform looks messy with the overlapped 5x5 flats.
    #3 pyro, Jun 10, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
  4. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Map 1: I would easy up on the railing and lights as they could cause some framerate issues if used excessively. The colliseum wall and window combination for flooring looks pretty cool though.

    Map 2: Like everyone else said, lots of choke points and large LoS. The Falcon and Sniper Rifle would wreck. There's not a whole lot of reason to leave base either.
  5. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Pyro basically covered it. You should take your time and focus on one map and making it look like it was built with care and creativity, while also keeping the most important thing in mind: Balance.

    If you don't know how to make a map balanced, you should ask around. I'm sure there are plenty of people who are willing to give advice.
  6. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for everyone's comments, I'll put this in the thread when I update it later but basically,
    I'm aware of the choke points and I'm trying to come up with a way remove that extra room to the side and to make a passage way that hogs etc can go through but falcons cannot, or they will but u would be pretty stupid to, what are your thoughts on that??

    As for someone's concern on frame rate on the first map, no ones had any problems with that on that map surprisingly :p so that's why that map is changing a very little.

    As for that guys comment 'spoiler'd' or sommin....... watcha mean?? :p
    Thanks again everyone :)
  7. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    He put his post in spoiler tags because of the size. His comments on both maps are also in there.
  8. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Oh haha sorry bout tha, I didn't see that tag a and sorry it hasn't been updated
    Yinternet on my computer went down, so I'm on my iPod ATM in just hoping the Internet sorts it's self out

    Edited by merge:

    Okay thanks pyro, ur concern on the first map with frame rate, there isn't any, as for your concern on the underground tunnel, I've had great feedback with it, it might look small but it's quite a bit wider than you think, the crates aren't the best for cover but there are points in the tunnel where there's almost inclined where you can hide, for the second map unaware of the choking problem and I'm going to try and fix it when ever I can, I will go through all your points again when I fix the map and fix what ever I can, thanks
    Just one question, do you think the second map would be better with scorpions completely??

    Edited by merge:

    I'm sorry I haven't updated it my laptop has suddenly stopped liking my Internet :S dont know why so just leave this one to rot away and I will make another one when my Internet is up and running, thanks.
    #8 Robster95, Jun 13, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2012

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