This time he just tried to delete some parts of the map and call it his own, he even goes as far as to say: Click here to go to the BNet post, and remember to report the file and give it a 1 rating When you're in-game you can certainly see his bastardised Frankenstein of a map... Here are some screenshots of his apparent "brain storming" As you can see from the pictures, he is a horrible forger... I posted there, as "RoseHeart"
Congrats again Cosmic, your map continues to be stolen at a ridiculous rate lol... you should be proud. Yeh, its hilarious to see the awesome, precise conveyor belt section, and the weak rest of the map. Blacklisted from the site? Do we have that?
OMFG, he has an awesome working conveyer belt but he cant forge for crap. Its like "I'm going to remake the mona lisa, with crayons." What is the point of doing this, what do they achieve from stealing other people's maps?
We have a "map thief blacklist" I'll add him to it later. In the mean time, everyone post and report this.
Me being the one who found this, kinda expected it, its been done before. Solution: Stop making ****-awesome maps!
God, I hate people... Reynbow, here's the thread to post in for the map stealers. Forge Community Watch
Ahuh! Excellent, I was wondering where to put this =] Next time... Surely there will be a next time. Oh yeah gotta give the credit to Wii for finding him though =]
I would... I just don't see why people would say they spent hours brainstorming... it would be so much easier to say "Conveyor Belt designed/made by Cosmic Rick". Rly... But I think it is absolutley hilarious that Cosmics stuff is intact and beautifully interlocked, while his portions look like a monkey took a dump.
This is not a coincidence lol The bridge shows through on exactly the same part on the double box, and the stairs is on the same side merged in the double box as well. He cannot deny it at all
If we find this much of stolen one, imagine how many there still are out there that we never find out about? I feel bad for you Cosmic, but apparently that's the burden you gotta carry with having a popular map. lolz
I love how we can all work together and own these people who steal maps. It is quite enjoyable flaming those sort of people.
This reminds me of how people would steal UMS maps in StarCraft and take credit. Man, did that suck. If only Bungie had implemented a little option when you were done making a map that asked you if you wanted to make it open source or not. Oh man, that'd be awesome.