Magma Mine Alpha

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Cassel, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. Cassel

    Cassel Forerunner

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    Sorry for the crappy banner. I haven't re-installed Photoshop CS5 on my computer yet since it crashed. I had to use Photobucket instead.

    Magma Mine Alpha
    Created by Casselfied (Cassel)

    Hey there Forgehub community!

    After a long haul with this map, it is finally here. With my life not focused on video games anymore and too much outside stuff, I never originally got around to releasing this project. But after I got a chunk of free time from my normal schedule, I was able to fix it up and put it together for a release.

    It wasn't easy and I definitely couldn't do it without all the people who helped me.

    How long did it take to build?

    Roughly about 10-12 hours total. Roughly 6 hours to build, but going back. editing and making new versions made things take about another 6 hours.

    What was the most difficult part to build/longest to get right?

    The main lobby took the longest because I kept going back and changing it. But the lava room was definitively the hardest to get right because getting the kill barriers to work was really tough. Once again, going back and forth really took a while especially how I had to test it on my own, and have a couple people help me out.

    What inspired your creation?

    I wanted to make a map, as I hadn't made one yet for reach. But I wanted to be creative. I wanted something that hasn't really been thought of in Reach and had ideas that people wouldn't necessarily come across when making maps. After looking at a bunch of infection maps on here, I thought it would be cool if I could make a map that had the defense focused on an uphill angle. This would mean that their backs would be against the wall. But I wanted to throw something unique that faced the players backs; lava. I had recently played Metroid Prime and wandered through the area of "Magmoor Caverns". Lava was something I hadn't really seen in a lot of maps, much less, Halo. Some people had thrown it around, but it was for aesthetic purposes. So, the idea of making a mine seemed like a good idea. I went at it from there. I am really happy with the way this project turned out.

    How does it work?


    The humans/miners will spawn in a tunnel, built big enough for a 16 player spawn. There is a soft kill boundary which covers the area of the tunnel (this is so the players can't camp the infection spawn or "refuse to play the map". All players will have to run down the hallway towards the main supply cave.

    Main human spawn. This is also the main respawn area incase there is a late joiner or you are killed by other means.

    End of the tunnel, entrance to the main lobby.

    Now this is where the humans will make their first stand. The main supply lobby is where the majority of the items and weapons are located. This is temporarily the only available part of the map for the humans. There is a teleporter, but it is temporarily offline and will be available later. From the time the humans spawn, they only have 10 seconds before the zombies have access to the map through the human spawn (which is like 20 seconds before combat. Grab as much ammo as possible. As weapons/ammo are limited to 0 spare rounds and do NOT respawn.

    Left side from entrance. Mine car, hologram and other weapons in the rocks.

    Right side from entrance. Mine car tunnel is closed, sprint, main weapon supply crate.

    Straight from entrance. Main weapon rack. Teleporter between the racks.

    Miners taking defense.

    Its easy, right? Wrong. Zombies will find another way into the lobby. About 90 seconds into the game, there will be a teleporter that spawns in the open rock hole in the ceiling (this is supposed to simulate that the zombies have dug deeper and found their way to you).

    Teleporter. Spawns 90 seconds into the game.

    Rainin' on your parade!

    Don't panic. The humans that are left will have the opportunity to use the teleporter that was offline from before. It spawns 110 seconds into the game (20 seconds after the 2nd zombie teleporter spawns). After going through the teleporter, you can't access the main lobby again. Grab what you can find and head through. When you enter the tunnel on the other side, there is a soft kill zone. It is very small, but it is there to prevent people from camping the teleporter with swords, as this was a problem in previous test sessions.

    Once you pass through here, there is no turning back.

    2nd tunnel. The other side of the mine car door.

    The tunnel will lead straight to a shield door to the processing chamber/lava pit. There is a rocket launcher with only 2 rockets and a jet pack. There are instant kill zones so do your best not to fall in. You may get lucky a couple times, but don't count on bouncing across your way across the chamber. Some kill zones work better then the others. But mainly, this room will be your last stand. Try to save your ammo a bit. It sounds crazy, but with a lot of zombies in a small space, it will be easy to let things play out. Ammo is something to be used in emergencies.

    Warning: If you fall in, you will join the zombie ranks.

    Jet pack spawn.

    Rocket Launcher spawn.

    Masta Hippie getting a little bit close!

    Main overview of the processing chamber.

    Human Weapon Statistics:

    (No spare clips/respawn)

    Assault Rifle x8
    DMR x2
    Magnum x6
    Shotgun x1
    Spartan Laser x1
    Rocket Launcher x1
    Frag Grenade x4

    Sprint x1
    Hologram x1
    Jet Pack x1

    Health Pack x3


    Zombie Traits:

    100% Speed
    110% Jump Height
    100% Gravity
    No Shields
    No Shield Recharge (woopdydo)
    No Health Recharge

    3 zombies will spawn in a small room (big enough for 16 players if necessary) and wait for a teleporter to go up. The teleporter is timed to spawn 10 seconds into the game. When the 2nd teleporter spawns (90 seconds into the game) the same sender node will be used as the one in the first one. This is so that one teleporter doesn't get abused and it keeps it interesting for the humans.

    A custom powerup will spawn 120 seconds into game at the zombie spawn.

    Custom Powerup Traits:

    90% Speed
    100% Jump Height
    100% Gravity
    Normal Shields
    No Shield Recharge
    No Health Recharge

    Zombies spawn.

    When that teleporter spawns, its go time.

    Zombies will make their way into the human spawn and the main lobby.

    Zombies will drop down into the human spawn.

    That about wraps it up folks!

    File Set Download (Makes life easier)

    Main Menu Download:

    1) Go to "New Custom Search".
    2) Select "Tag" and type "Magma Mine Alpha" or "Underground".
    3) Go to "Map Variants" and "Game Variants". Select "Magma Mine Alpha" and "Underground" by "Casselfied".


    1) Go to "Fileshare search".
    2) Type "Casselfied".
    3) All files should be there.

    Special thanks to:

    FedeltaXB337 - for some help with the lava room scenery and suggestions with the environment.
    blh278 - for some help with the lava room.
    xJAB199x - for some help with the kill barriers.
    x Mythic 32 x - for some help with scenery in the main lobby.
    OakleyHiDef - feedback on gameplay.
    Darth Human - feedback on gameplay.
    Masta Hippie - feedback on gameplay.
    A J Yusi - feedback on gameplay.
    anyone else I forgot...

    Beta testers who made this possible:

    A J Yusi
    Darth Human
    Masta Hippie
    OptimusPAUL 93
    the pib
    xSODAPOP 13x
    Kanggo Sucka
    Skele Brothers
    te Flying Ninja
    Zephyr The West
    jake bobius
    the jiggler678
    and sorry if I forgot anyone...

    Please download and give this a try. Everything in this map took a lot of work and I would appreciate some feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome!

    Thank you and I hope you enjoy!
    #1 Cassel, Mar 21, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2013
  2. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Being proud that i am the first one the comment ;). Amazing map, it really is set for infection, and the lava is just awesome. But can i ask were you build this? because you never have enough rocks to build an cave fully. And the banner isnt that crappy man. U used very nice aesthetics as the minecart, the door and the ladder. Amazing map will most definitly give this an Download.
  3. smm2010

    smm2010 Ancient

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    smm2012? Thanks, Casshole. :p

    This is one of the best infection games I've played in a while. Although the map is small the gameplay makes up for it along with some nice aesthetics. Good job with this.
  4. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow, I really like the looks of this. The lava looks great, but I suggest you hide the orange light, it doesn't fit very well with the map. Other than that it's great!
  5. Cassel

    Cassel Forerunner

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    A lof of people have been asking me where I built it. I actually built it in the small water cave, near red base. I ended up covering the lava over the water so it wouldn't be too noticeable. But thank you for the comments. I appreciate it!

    I know the last testing session I did with you didn't go too well with Masta Hippie making this difficult (as he always does with me lol) it should go a bit more smoothly as I fixed all the problems with the camping spots. Thank you Steve!

    I know! I said the same thing. It was hard to get a good angle for the screenshot. As for the light being there, I had to use something that helped give the lava some color depth. But thank you for the comments. I appreciate it!

    EDIT: I swapped thumbnail images in the main picture. The current one had taken a while to upload to
    #5 Cassel, Mar 22, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The Lava looks great! As a suggestion, I would use Double Doors or Windows in order to get thinner more track looking rails on the minecart rails.
  7. Frost Bite323

    Frost Bite323 Forerunner

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    My goodness, the looks alone stunned me at first glance. I'm not one the play with filters, they hurt my eyes, but I normally bare with it the first time around to get an unbiased report.

    Anyway, here I am. But what can I possibly say? The map has obviously been tested and been provided feedback numerous times. I can see and have felt that the map is balanced, on both sides. Although I don't get large parties, the majority of players and I had a blast on this rather small, action-filled map of suspense and comically appealing deaths.

    My only complaint is, again, the filters. But I can't veto the map for it, I had a good time even with the filters on, as that's how the map was intended.

    No further complaints - Great job. Now, I personally can't wait to see more from you...
  8. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I really thought you captured the map well with your photos. I was hoping to get a different experience because of that. After looking around, it felt really cramped and closed off most of the time. Navigation was nearly impossible. The entrances are way to dark. Also, why the use of a teleporter to travel not more than 10 ft away to the magma window? The magma area is my favorite but its nearly impossible to see the rocks to jump on. They are also too close together and you end up bumping into teamates and dying half the time. I would recommend tweaking the FX a bit and expanding your lava pit. Take a look at a map called "hellbent" for lava pit reference. Perhaps switching out the "flashing red" for a "white" would create more visibility too.
  9. Cassel

    Cassel Forerunner

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    Yea I know its a little thick. But thank you! I appreciate it!

    The filters was really tricky. I never really like filters, but it helps add so much life to the scenery and the rest of the environment. I had to spend time to get it right so that all areas of the map would be equal with color and even still after that, it wasn't perfect. But mainly, I tried to focus on a dark setting that was lit up with bits of artificial lights. I just tried to stick with the theme, but keep it good for gameplay. Thank you for the feedback though!

    A lot of people have told me the space I decided to work with was real small. But I tried to make it like that on purpose. I wanted to keep a deep underground kind of feel to make it more intense for gameplay. For navigation in the lobby, it should be pretty straight forward. Hard to understand your problem there. The main human spawn is thin because it is used to give the zombies a little extra cover. As for the teleporter, it came down to gameplay reasons. Before I had the whole map open to anybody (except the human spawn), where you could go in and out of areas whenever you wanted. But the map didn't necessarily play right. People were too independent on map use and everyone was different. I had to find a way to get in to a flow with the map. But anyways, the room was also difficult. It is a bit frustrating. But I didn't want it to be simple. If there was a big rock, then nobody would die or nobody would take the cautious approach. I wanted it to be a make or break area, kinda crazy in a way. Its hard to explain. Lighting was hard too. I put the red light in the room to make it like the lava was flashing (it is an affect that is used in a lot of other video games). As for Hellbent's lava pit, it doesn't seem like lava. It seems dull with the shield doors straight and doesn't give it much life. Especially how there is 1 layer of shield door. I ended up running out of shield doors in the process of the chamber because I made so many layers.

    As for it being dark, I recommend turning your brightness on your xbox to higher. Its what I play on and it is not too bad. It will also make the light from the railings on the walls make stronger light. Thats it though. Thanks for the comments though. I appreciate it.
    #9 Cassel, Mar 24, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2012
  10. Wort wort 117

    Wort wort 117 Promethean

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    This is one of the best infection maps I've played, but for some reasone whenever I play with people the humans never live long enough for the teleporter to turn online.
  11. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Time to redo my shitty cave Infection map... This was so amazing I had to go into High Expectations Asian Father mode on myself.
  12. SawtoothMoney86

    SawtoothMoney86 Forerunner

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    wow i just got off a game on this map and it was super fun defintiely download and play it! the gameplay just really flowed nicely and it was really enjoyable to play
  13. SIERRA420

    SIERRA420 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    What a cool idea for a map. I've used one way shields to create lava before, but switched to killballs when we added vehicles to our map since they wouldn't blow up when they touched the shield lava. It took forever setting the kill boundary just right so you'd die right before you touched the shield so you wouldn't bounce.

    I can see heavy influences from Magmoor Caverns which is a classic subterranean level. I'd love to play this in BIOC, you should submit this map to their database.
    +1dl for sure.
  14. ImWithStupid

    ImWithStupid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good map but theres a blinking red button in the room where the humans start and for some reason whenever I touch it I die and im not sure what it does?


    WHY IS IT SO SMALL??????

    P.S. The jumping part reminds me of Super Mario Bros.

    Edit: Upon further inspection I have come to the conclusion that the button does not function due to a glitch, this is the only possible explanation. Please fix immediately because buttons are meant to be pushed and I do not appreciate being killed by it every time...
    #14 ImWithStupid, Mar 28, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2012
  15. Sam

    Sam Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I played a game on this earlier with some random redneck hillbillies (no offense to random redneck hillbillies btw). The map like Stupid above me said the map seemed a little short and had very narrow passageways. Very nice cave aesthetics. It played sort of like other holdout chamber type infection maps, but I didn't get to see enough of the map from playing it. I think the third room was a lava chamber which made me think of Super Mario Bros. because you have to jump and avoid the lava shield doors. Was that what inspired you to make this map? Anyway, the host of the game sounded pretty damned stoned and a button on a door wouldn't work for some strange reason. I may have to check the map out again for further inspection.
    #15 Sam, Mar 29, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2012
  16. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    sorry, what I meant was to put the light inside a rock so you can't see it.
  17. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The map is amazing from a forgers perspective. But when I played it in a customs lobby, I found just a couple of problems, one of them was stated before. Just because you phase a land mine into the wall, doesn't make it inactive. I was excited to be a human on the first round of this but when the first thing I try to break, is breakable, and my spartan commits suicide turning him into a zombie, I was kinda upset. you needa put it behind some glass. I get the idea you were trying to go for with it though. The second problem, nobody made it past the first holdout area. Zombies are overpowered, trust me. We had reliable humans playing and still got slaughtered everytime in hopes of seeing the rest of the map. Anyway, I love the theme of the map, but I hope you fix it. So I can play through the rest of the map. Cause screens aren't cutting it. Keep up the good forging.
  18. Agoat

    Agoat Promethean
    Senior Member

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    That lava is so slick! Good stuff!
  19. im2slick4urma

    im2slick4urma Promethean

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    I like it alot. You've done a theme that is rarely used and you did it very well. The Lava trick is amazing, I've played this once and I was wondering did you put kill boundaries in the lava. Overall amazing map with incredible aesthetics.
  20. Cassel

    Cassel Forerunner

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    Stay tuned guys. Sometime today I will post a topic on a quick preview of the 2.0 version of the map. There will be some BIG changes involved so expect something different!

    Thanks for the feedback, positive or negative, all is appreciated!

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