ok sorry ive been really busy lately.. but im done now (IMG)http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn157/XKGxOblivion/ChiefWiggum.jpg(/IMG) Replace ( and ) with [ and ]
Ummm... I am just have a question about the effects. I will base my rew=quest on your answer. Could you have a line start from a base and extend out and be all curved and stuff? Like have a glowing line come from one end of a ghost and have that line "grow" and extend over the sig, while wrapping through text and stuff? I don't know (if you could do it) how to loop it... Thanks, I will request depending on if that is possible.
Wow Great SIG's I HAVE A REQUEST: Image: ODST (any pic of an ODST Spartan) Colors: Orange and Green; light and cool Theme: Light and Cool Animation: No thanks Symbols/Name/Words: My name (SPAGETTII), and a Snipe medal I would love for you to make me somthing like this many many thanks P.S. be creative and do your thing; dont think im restricting you in any way
yea Moregames i could do that in Adobe After Effects oh yea SPAGETTII can you please find me a picture of an ODST spartan for your sig... that would help alot for me to be able to make it
I Hope This Helps If this one isnt good than tell me and i will give u another OH ONE LAST THING: PEACE SIGN it would be sweet if you somehow incorporated a peace sign thanks a million bud
ok il get to that soon SPAGETTII.. maybe by the weekend because i have a bunch of end of the year projects i have to do for school
OKay cool... my request is the same as one I made in Reynbow's thread, but with effects... EDIT: No offense, but I am waiting to see if Reynbow will take mine before I request one here...
ok all done here you go (IMG)http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn157/XKGxOblivion/SPAGETTII.jpg(/IMG) Replace ( and ) with [ and ] No Metro im not neglecting it, i didnt save it as a psd so i cant really edit it very easily i guess il try though
If you're bored any time and have no work, you can do your own kind of thing with the following for a siggy. But you don't have to if you don't want to. You can use any colors and effects. Picture: Name: Metroshell Quote: Meatwad make the money, see
Dude !!! i was wondering what was on his shoulder ... THATS AWESOME thanks so much dude You are Photoshop God
thanks dude... apparently you like yours to... lol... just let me know if you ever want anything changed
Could you perhaps make me one? Image: http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/Dubs-E93/MChief-1.jpg Text: (very small somewhere) GT: Eduardo Dubs (reasonable size) E93 (ok-ish size) None Shall Pass the rest is up to you And if you're not busy, could you do one exactly like that but with this picture? http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/Dubs-E93/Snipez.jpg Thanks a lot