Monum€nt V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LynnJynh9315, May 21, 2008.

  1. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    The battle cries of countless ancient warriors echo through the halls of this long forgotten arena. Now this structure stands waiting for its next epic battle. Add your cry to those who came before…. and welcome to:

    UPDATE: Monument has now been updated to version 2!! Most of the adjustments that have been made to the map were done to address the issue of escapeability; new pictures have replaced the old to reflect the changes made. Specifically, here is a list of changes:

    A ceiling has been added to each base.
    Window Panels now prevent using fusion coils to fly out of arena.
    The barrels have been removed.
    The respawn-rate on Energy Sword has been increased.
    The respawn-rate on the Needlers have been increased.

    Hope you enjoy the new Monument V2 even more than the original. Thanks alot, and forge on!!

    This map is recommended for 2-8 players, any more is a little too crowded. Four player Free-4-all plays very well.

    [FONT=&quot]Monument is a symmetrical foundry map perfect for either team-based or free-for-all gametypes. On top of this, the map is also pleasing to look at. It uses plenty of interlocking and floating and has been made compatible with all major gametypes. Sure its layout is simple and easy to pick up and play- but the design is anything but simple and verges on the beautiful.


    Originally I started with an idea to do a symmetrical map similar to the types of things Weremidget might produce. I’ve always felt that there was a common feel to every map he’s publish, my idea was to capture that and compliment it with some of my own ideas.

    Among my own ideas were the boxes in the middle of the arena. I had originally wanted to use them to mount the shotgun spawn (more on mounting later) and planned on closing the boxes up afterward. One thing lead to another and I decided to fill the boxes with fusion coils. After placing them, I realized I didn’t have enough room to place the trucks I had been planning on. My solution? Place them on top of the boxes. While testing I was shooting the fusion coils when I discovered that the force of the explosion sent the truck flying into the air and tumbling back down to create chaos- splattering people, killing people, blocking hallways, blocking doorways, obstructing entrances and the like. Fun? It definitely adds an interesting edge to the map.

    [FONT=&quot]I suppose of the word for this map would be: controlled chaos.


    My other idea was very simple, I had planned on mounting several of my weapons on the walls. Much like this:

    This was easily done by floating a weapon holder on the opposite side of the wall. Sure, its time-consuming, but the effect is a definite aesthetic bonus. The weapon spawns that have been mounted include the Battle Rifles, Brute Shots, and Shotguns.

    The following diagram is a floorplan of Monument made with Microsoft Paint. It shows the basic layout and weapon placements. Sure, it’s a little more crude than those on my previous maps, by it was more difficult do certain angled pieces:

    So what exactly happens when the trucks come tumbling down? Pictures speech louder than words:



    Basically the trucks land wherever. I’ve given up trying to predict them. They always land somewhere inside the map- though not always in an accessible area. Of course, there’s also the possibility one could tumble down on someone’s head and kill them- but this only happens rarely. I remember one time when I was playing around on top of one of the trucks and a sibling caused an explosion…. I was splattered from beneath.

    [FONT=&quot]Each of the bases has been neatly outfitted with a Battle Rifle, an Assault Rifle, a Brute Shot, a Bubble Shield, and one of every grenade. There are three entrances to each base, but each entrance is rather narrow:
    Admiring the staircases? I felt placing an inverted stair over the other would give the map an undeniable aesthetic touch. And so it does. It has a very enclosed feel, no?




    [FONT=&quot]The center of the arena is home to the energy sword spawn. It spawns 90 seconds into the game and obviously continues to respawn at that same rate. However, the explosions from the fusion coil boxes will often send this coveted weapon flying anywhere- its not so easy as you think.


    [FONT=&quot]The side hallways are house the spawn points for the Shotgun (mounted to wall), Power Drain, Needler, and Carbine. All these come in handy.

    Monument has a simple layout, but it is a very polished map. It plays very well and has its own unique style of gameplay. The map is perfect for Deathmatch and other free-for-all gametypes and can be played well with 2 people as well as with 6 or 8. Beyond this, Monument has a certain beauty to it- you can really tell I put the effort into this. Whether it be the Fusion Coil boxes and the falling trucks or the mounted weapons and narrow hallways, this map truly breathes. It’s the first map I’ve made that truly feels that it's complete- any improvements that can be made would only be minor.

    #1 LynnJynh9315, May 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  2. Syrga

    Syrga Ancient
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    Very nice map. And like you said "it has a simple layout, but it is a very polished map." And I would have to agree. But I like. So great job.
  3. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    Wait til you see the trucks go fly into the air and tumble down- then you'll be hooked. It wasn't really something I could capture in a Picture.
  4. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
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    How do you get weapons to be in the wall?
  5. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    How do you mount weapons on the wall? Oh.

    You have to float a weapon holder on the opposite side of the wall(floating is saving while holding an item in the air). Then just place the weapon on the other side until the weapon holder's field catches it.

    It may seem pointless- but looks pretty. Remember aesthetics are everything; if your map looks sloppy, no one will pay any attention.
  6. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    All these pics really add to showing the map good job.

    Is there a second stair case only accessible by jumping from a fallen truck (pic 6)?
  7. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    No, that staircase is upside-down and can't take you any where.
  8. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    Well, first of all, I gotta hand it to you. This is probably one of the best map posts I have seen on ForgeHub. By that I mean the pictures, descriptions, diagrams, and awesome title too. But about the map, it looks AWESOME! This is definitely one of the best I have seen in a while. Excellent design, "simple but polished," excellent layout, excellent interactivity (the trucks), excellent everything pretty much. Tremendous job!
  9. HWC ozzie

    HWC ozzie Ancient
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    Wow this map looks sweet. I can't wait to play it and have some fun. I WANT TO BE KILLED BY THE TRUCK!! I love that idea. :D
  10. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    ....(Huge sigh of relief) They like it!

    Thank you. I can't claim all of the ideas on this map are original (see Monolith 1.0 in my signature), but I had enough ideas of my own too. I'm really glad you like it. I held back posting it until I had everything all plotted out.
    AItius likes this.
  11. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    Lol, it happens rarely- if it happened all the time people would be dying right and left- but it certainly can.

    BTW, I have a few video clips of some of my own truck suicides. I'll have to upload them.
  12. Mount Killamonjaro

    Senior Member

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    Looks great fun! I'm gunna D/L for sure.
  13. The SEEJ

    The SEEJ Ancient
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    it looks really good for having such a simple design as you say
  14. Backwards Logic

    Backwards Logic Ancient
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    A "90 minute respawn?" Haha...Maybe you meant "90 seconds?" Anyway, excellent presentation, and I love the aesthetic touches you added to the map to make it stand out. Great job!
  15. superguh007

    superguh007 Ancient
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    My biggest problem with this is its extreme similarity to Monolith: but you gave full credit and your aesthetic and funky (how else to describe the trucks?) improvements look downright amazing. I have the feeling this is a very frenetic and fun map, good job. DL'ed, and I hope I can get in a game on it soon.

    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    A little sloppy
    that can be fixed with more interlocking though
    so good job
  17. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    Hmm, looks like I made a mistake. Fear not, it will be remedied.
  18. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    Re: Fatal Blow

    Ow- that hurt. What do you mean by "sloppy"? I've never considered it to be sloppy....
  19. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    True, it is rather similar. However, there's plenty here that's mine too. You see, Werem1dget is a friend of mine, so I made sure to give him full credit on inspiration. Still- this map has a different weapon set, my weapons are mounted, the trucks make for a totally different experience, and it has a more close-quarters feel than Monolith does.

    BTW, Werem1dget has already seen this map- I gave him a special screening. Hopefully he'll be posting a comment on the map soon as well.
  20. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    FINAL€ V2 now available!

    I would like to inform you all that an update for my previous map, FINAL€, is now available. You may access the new FINAL€ V2 here. You can access the ForgeHub FINAL€ Thread here. The only change to the map has been the addition of Respawn Areas.

    Thank you very much, and please enjoy MONUM€NT.

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