Apparently résumés of some ex-EA employees have mentioned work on Mirror's Edge 2. This would mean not only is the existence of the sequel real but it also means it is most likely well into development. News: Mirror's Edge 2, Battlefield: Bad Company 3 appear on CVs - Some other links with details regarding Mirror's Edge 2. These are a bit older but still add to the intrigue. News: EA 'sure' we'll see Mirror's Edge 2 on Frostbite 2 - News: EA confirms work on new Mirror's Edge project -
And what would those transgressions be? Not a fan of their work with Battlefield and Mass Effect, I'm guessing?
Things developers are responsible for, no. 2 Transgressions for the year, so far they've mostly been responsible for DLC related crap and origin related crap that doesn't fly with me but I'm sure more will develop.
Ah, I was just guessing since a lot of people blame EA for things like corrupting Bioware and DICE, but I wanted to see if you had different reasons. Yeah, I agree though, things like online passes are incredibly greedy since 99% value of Battlefield lies within the multiplayer (IMO) and to someone like myself, it hardly seems ethical to force 1 person per copy of BF to enjoy the multiplayer and rob the entire game (IMO) from anyone that acquires it outside of direct retail and doesn't pay extra cash for access.
Frostbite 2 will be used in Mirrors Edge 2. Frostbite will also be in FIFA and something else (I cant remember). This has been in the making for a long time. Off Topic: Battlefield will become a yearly game to step up to CoD. DICE will be working on them with another company. The wont switch off every year. I didn't know it was going to be a Bad Company 3 though. Dead Space 3 will also come out. I dont know if these games are going to be showcased at E3, im not old enough to go .
Was Mirrors Edge 2 not definitely confirmed to be in the making before BF3 came out, but then they pulled the Devs to work on that, and scrapped the project? At least, that's what I thought happened. Which would explain the game being down on their CVs.