I never properly introduced myself so here goes: I am at high school and i'm hoping to get into software development and eventually game development. I live in Dumbarton, the shittiest, most deprived area in the UK. Not kidding, check the interwebs and you will find it. Games I play: -Minecraft (PC) -Halo (obviously) -CoD (only Black Ops. MW is pathetic in my eyes) -Mass Effect 3 - MW3 (I only play Face-Off with my friend because it's ****ing hilarious to hear their reactions to getting owned.) Things I do (hobbies): -Play games -Listen to music (Avenged Sevenfold, CoD Zombies Soundtrack, other soundtracks) -Ocassionally watching anime (Spice and Wolf, Naruto Shippuden, Deathnote) Type of Maps I forge: I forge a range of competitive maps. I have had the most success forging symmetrical 4v4 maps. However, I would love to get into Invasion. Game Stats (in case anyone gives a damn): Reach rank - Hero MW3 rank - 2nd Prestige 80 Highest Zombies round - 35 (Der Riese solo) Just a quick note: If anyone is after the "Time Travel Will Tell..." achievement in Black Ops then I would love to help. ;D
Every time im mentioned somewhere I get goosebumps. You just tingled my spider senses. Im assuming that you did count me as a person because im a hot beverage. Anyway, welcome to our site...again?
I wouldn't mind getting that achievement! Cause every single time, some one has to go, or they lag out :c Also, I don't have the greatest Interwebs connection, but I will probably be able to finish it ^_^