Link. I thought you guys would be interested in this new contest being held by 343. Basically you make an objective map and submit it for matchmaking consideration. Top three winners get prizes. Hit the link for full details. Maybe we can use this thread for organizing playdates and discussing maps and stuff.
This sounds pretty cool but a month seems just a bit short to perfect a map and get enough testing in. But I guess they're trying get it done reasonably quickly before Halo 4 comes out. Don't know if I'll attempt this, I've always focused more on Team Slayer styled maps
^This. If only they'd give us a little more time, we would actually be able to make great maps instead of good ones, and also test them properly for once. I don't need any more maps like stupid Asphalt to be put into Matchmaking. And the fact that Halo 4 will come out in November (which is still a long time from now, just saying) shouldn't be a reason for the community to rush maps like that.
maybe- Anyways I have a map I've been working on that seems fit for 4v4/5v5, so I'll just need to get that finished up and set out objective stuff
Might draw something for this, but chances are that some cookie cutter symmetrical map will win. Hopefully the cartographers have nothing to do with this.
I may. I have an untested asym 4v4 map made on Timberland that supported a 3 person splitscreen game of Snipers last night. I'll clean it up (deprettyify where I canto support 4 player without a problem along with other things) and rig it up for objective later, I think it'll support 1 Flag, King and Oddball best. Actually, would people be interested in setting up a lobby some time, possibly over the weekend where a bunch of people could get together, get their map tested, and play others to help as well? Like the TCOJ lobby that I need to attend more, but for this contest.
I have 2 maps I have been sitting on and 1 I just finished that need testing that would work for this I believe. Two problems on my end though is I can't get on till after 10pm central and because the only internet provider that I will not mention (AT&T) not caring about the quality of service in this area my internet is spotty. If you are fine with these problems please P.M. me thank you.
I have trouble getting on before 10 EST. If there's interest in starting a testing lobby later at night, I'm in. My son is usually asleep by then.