I know none of you really care but, to me, HALO 4 LOOKS LIKE ME,SMEXY! all jokes aside it does look damn good and I didn't expect that intense Halo game feeline ever since Halo 3. Good job 343i, on the other side of things Need For Speed Most Wanted (2) looked decent, but I want more info on it because the first MW was boss.
This is a halo based website... either way, I'm purposefully ignoring the videos provided other than the E3 ones so as to build suspense for when I play it 12:30 am, release day.
Those graphics are better than Halo 4! This game looks like pure sex. I swore i was watching a good action thriller movie. This game just looks that great. Like a Modern day Assassin creed. Ubisoft has been impressing lately, but disappointing me with there multiplayer passes.
I wonder if the xbox browser will allow modding. I remember you could install mods on the PS3 for Unreal Tournament by downloading certain things using the PS3 browser and I would love to do this with the xbox. It was Flo Rida, Microsoft had Usher. And you actually liked the FC3 gameplay? It looked really dumb to me. Bland shooter mechanics abound in that game.
Yeah, im not impressed with FC3 either. I miss Jack Carver and the predators. I think that was what set the Franchise from the others. A man on a tropical paradise, feral abilities, vehicles, and a great map editor! I just want Ubisoft to go back to the Farcry with predator mode. Thats all... But screw FC3. More talk about Watchdogs! From what I can tell, you cam hack phones, traffic systems, and probably anything electronic. I wonder if character has any other special abilities in his arsenal. Also, the game seems like a pretty decent action shooter game as well. With the cover system looking like a well choreographed action movie and everything. I hope multiplayer will be added, without no stupid multiplayer code required...
I wish they would have made a sequel to FC2 instead of an entirely different game. FC2 was an amazing concept and its flaws definitely could have been ironed out in a sequel.
I hated Farcry 2 with a ****ing passion! The game had too many gimmicks that just didn't allow me to play. I didn't mind the open world part of the game. it was a nice change from the more linear earlier installments. But the malaria disease, jamming weapons, and those damn guard posts just made me hate the game. This has been the only game in my entire library that I have not completed, due to pure hatred.
I got new weapons after every mission, no jamming for me! But yes, these are problems that the community was very vocal about. Mainly I just wish they would have kept the structure of being a mercenary and taking missions from various organizations.
I think that's what interested me most about Horizon is it gave more of the open world vibe of Paradise. Still hoping and waiting for Criterion to revisit the series.
Anyone else watch The Last Of Us? Holy ****, easily the best thing I've seen so far, probably more excited for this than H4 or Watch Dogs. The Last of Us E3 2012 Gameplay - YouTube why does it have to be a ps3 exclusive :'(
This is amazing both this game and Watchdogs is going to be my top priority when they released. I love it when developers creates new franchises instead of releases 3 to 4 sequels of a game. Thats why I always try to invest my money on these new franchises.
Just watched about a bazillion trailers and game play demos on IGN, and the standouts for me were definitely Watch Dogs, Last of Us, ACIII (which surprised me), Stick of Truth, God of War, Beyond, and, obviously, Halo. The ZombiU trailer also looked rather interesting, but I'd like to see some kind of game play before I make a proper decision on it. There may have been a few others, but I can't really remember them right now. On the bad side, I actually laughed when I saw the trailer for Ascend: New Gods. I would have been embarrassed to show that at a show as prestigious as E3. It looked very stiff/rigid and, basically, not fun. And, while the trailer for it was cool, I'm a bit disappointed by the fact that Michael Ironside won't be in the new Splinter Cell. He is Sam Fisher, and a SC game without him wouldn't really be the same, in my opinion. The reason he's not in it anymore? Because they needed an actor who could do mocap and voice acting simultaneously. Wtf? Why couldn't they just get Michael to overdub it once the mocap was done? For shame. I also steered clear of all trailers that had "Medal of Honor", "Call of Duty" or "Battlefield" in them, as I have no interest whatsoever in these titles. Also, Peter Molyneux announced a new game, named Curiosity, which will be a mobile/Windows based game about "breaking-into" cubes. And... that seems to be about all it is. Nice try, Pete, but I'm not falling for it this time.
Like Bioshock Infinite, if what I'm seeing is what I think I'm seeing, I'm going to be so ****ing in love with Watch Dogs.
It won't be different because it doesn't have the same voice actor, it will be different because it involves running around in broad daylight shooting a ton of people and not being stealthy at all.
I have only seentge video rifte posted, so am I missing any info on the last of us? It looks like a great game, but do we know who they're fighting and what happened? Or have we just seen that video?
From what I understand, its a sort of post-apocalyptic every-man-for-himself type setting. On another note, Nintendo's presentation was pretty good. Wii U looks like it has the potential to be everything the Wii should have been and the gamepad tablet accessory thingy doesn't seem too terribly gimmicky. Plus, I like them adding the pro controller. 3DS has a lot of promising titles too. NSMB2, new Paper Mario, KH:3D, and the upcoming Smash Bros. EDIT: Zombi U actually looked really good too. Using the gamepad to hack doors, as a sniper scope, and shaking zombies off in a close quarters struggles seem to make good use of the peripheral without becoming a hassle or something that would get worn out quickly.
That was my main concern when the Splinter Cell series took that turn in direction. The series built its entire existence as the premier stealth action game that help put the original xbox in the console wars. utilizing shadows and sound to advantage was innovative, fun, exciting, and challenging. now it doesnt even matter. We're just going into missions with guns blazing. We're no longer spies. Sam Fisher is no longer Sam Fisher........