I've already posted this in the screenshot discussion forum, but I thought it may fit here as well (or maybe get a tad more acknowledgement): Ladies and Gents, I come before you now with a proposal of utmost importance, not solely to me (although, yeah, it is my homework that I'm asking for a little help with ), but to you as Halo 3 Screenshot Photographers. Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, and w/e else we have out there: I need GOOD screenshots of the Master Chief. Explanation: For my English Final Project (Independent Study) I am researching Religious and Historical Parallels between the Halo Universe and the real world. The research is simple, but I wanna make this project have some pizzaz, but I am no Screenshot guru. So here I am fellow Forgers, asking for your permission for you to allow me to use some screen shots of the Master Cheif and the Arbiter for my project. By submitting your screenshot on this thread, you are permitting me to use your pictures on this project. (Or PM them to me if you wish) You will receive credit for taking the pictures and be a huge asset to me! Just thought I'd ask. Any skeptics or confused people, please ask me Thanks in advance! -Gnoizic
Sorry - but i just had to comment on how much of a loser it makes you to do a school project on halo. I mean seriously, there's nothing better you could write about?
No offense but that sounds like you love Halo too much. I dont mean to disappoint you but you will be called " The Kid with no life." I am called this most of the time but once I punch that person they stop calling me it. Hehehe.
Eh, basically it was an excuse to play Halo and justify it as school work but I understand whatcha guys are saying -Gnoiz
Pay no attention to the haters. The parallels are plenty and the best papers come from writing about what you know. It seems strange to call someone a loser for wanting to write about halo on a halo fan site. Bad form.
Mak he doesnt want to write about it for here he wants to show an entire class in school the differences between Halo religions and Real Life religions. Im just saying he really shouldnt unless the entire class loves Halo.
I agree with makisupa007 on that one; I write better on stuff I know, and I may be a nerd for doing this, but ain't we all to some extent as ForgeHubbers? We all love Halo for some reason or another, for me I loved the storyline b/c I didnt get XBL til just recentlyish. For alotta folks here, it's Halo 3's Forge that appeals. Regardless, nerdy/loserish or not, remember the idea of this thread is to help a poor high school student make a decent project (Due in 2 days ) [Edit]: actaully, the only person seeing this is my English teacher, but there are loads of Halo fans in the class ne ways -Gnoiz -PS: makisupa, i figured out where I can use your screenshot, thanks for the support!
That is true.. maybe mister chief is the right idea. Regardless, if I don't get any pics soon, I'll hafta go off some lame shots i scrounge up myself -Gnoiz
Go to Bungie.net Gnoiz- Go to Bungie.net and follow the link into the Bungie Favorites Archive. There are tons of epic shots in there. Forge Hub is really more of a map making site with a few cool screenshots here and there. You should publish your paper on FH when you're finished. I'm curious.
Well, I went through the campaign and got me some shots myself Just saw some people had posted some shots that were taken well, so I thought I'd ask, see if anyone had an amazing shot on here of Master Chief. Either way, yes, I will post my research paper in the forums when it's done -Gnoizic
I once did a biology project where I made a cell diagram on forge and the built a cell wall and had people attack it to show how a cell wall protects the cell
@ rusty: I'm looking for pictures of the Master Chief and the Arbiter to include in my research paper. My research paper is over the religious and historical parallels between Halo and the real world. I'm doing pretty well on the Religious aspect of it, i think, but I may need a little help with the historical stuff. Examples of history: Spartans (compare UNSC spartan-IIs to original Spartans of BC days), and comparing the Covenant armada to that of other historical armadas who may have out gunned, but still lost to, their opponents. Then again, some history and religion ties together, because Noah existed (at least to the people who accept that part of the Bible, which i do [i accept it all, don't bash me if you dont agree, opinions are opinions]) and Noahs Ark saved his family and the creatures of the world from the threat of the Flood (see the parallels: ark, flood?) any ways, thats the basis of my project -Gnoiz