Megalith By Noooooch Description: An asymmetrical map set in the Canyon featuring several 'bunkers' or 'blockhouses' and other minimal structures laid out in the terrain. Tags: Megalith, Noooooch Gametypes: Slayer, 1 Flag, 1 Bomb, KotH, Oddball, Territories Ideal Player Count: 8-10 Power Weapons: Ghost x 1 / 120s Rocket Launcher x 1 / 120s Sniper Rifle x 1 / 120s Concussion Rifle x 1 / 120s
I have only had the chance to play on this map once but from my experience it plays great and is overall enjoyable. The atmosphere that the map creates is really unique, plays like a room based map but still has those unique aspects of an open map. The weapon set is nice both the ghost and sniper fit the map nicely and were really fun to use (especially that ghost). We were playing KOTH so I can't say much more, but definitely invite me for future testing.
From those screenshots there really seems to be no cover at all. The structures are nice, but they don't look like high quality thought out playspaces. I'd have to get some games on it to be sure of that, but that is what I think form the screenies
Stole the words right out of my keyboard... The map looks interesting and I want to get a game on this to see how to this plays. Invite me sometime, map asthetics look ok, and the rocks beneath the structures look unnatural.
I still think you should offset the buildings from one another. The lines of sight bisecting the buildings is a bit much.
This was a lot of fun for 1 flag when we played last week (it was still Vitality back then) but I hope the ghost is moved to be an offense vehicle, as it was an incredibly hard flag pull, as shown by the fact that we never made it, and the ghost being in enemy hands pushed it over the line. Still, I love to play asymmetrical objective maps and this map offers some very good games of one flag.
It certainly looks pretty, that's for sure. FlyingShoeILR confirmed what I was thinking after checking out the pics - it looks like it was made for objective gametypes. But have you tested it out with Team Slayer any? I would love to get a game on this if you need any testers, let me know.
I never actually thought about it's 'room-based' aspect but now that you mention it, it does have those qualities. The bunkers are close quarters and have several choke points, whereas the rest of the map is very open amongst the rolling hills. Glad to hear you approve of the weapon set. Ok. Nice post. Thank you. I did actually rotate the yellow bunker to break up the LoS between them, but it was just too awkward. Rotating any of the bunkers just opens up new LoS that really just feel weird. The LoS that bisect the buildings are really what keeps the game flowing though, and keeps any of the buildings from being too campable. Good eye though. Not sure how long ago you played the map, but I recently switched the offense and defensive sides, so the Ghost is now part of the offensive attack, while the defendes get the Snipe and Concussion Rifle. Rockets are still up for grabs for either team, across any gametype. I designed this map for asymmetrical gametypes like 1 Flag and KotH, so thanks for the feedback dude. Yeah, it was designed for asymmetical gametypes and of course, Slayer. Asymmetrical maps play Slayer very well and Megalith does too (in my opinion), I've played several games on it so far. Still haven't gotten in 1 Bomb or Territories, since I don't have the TU versions of either. Will continue to test and refine. Thanks for the comments everyone.
Not a big fan of the simplicity, but meh, sometimes we need a little simplicity. Looks like a good KOTH map- might have to give it a go one day.
Very interesting design and I've never seen anyone do anything remotely similar, so you instantly get points for that. I agree with Schnitzel that perhaps offsetting the 3 bunker structures just slightly from one another might help break the LoS up a bit and allow for more interesting angles without completely ruining flow or creating camp spots. I don't necessarily mean rotating them, just translating. Also, I think I'd like to see one of those bunkers be different from all the other structures. You've got 3 that are almost identical and 1 that's different. Maybe making the one diagonally across from the unique one also be unique would be interesting for game-play. Nice job, man.
Yeah, I wasn't talking about rotating it. I was meaning offsetting on it's alignment. Like, the "door" to "door" line of sight between the bunkers cuts directly through the map on both of 'em. Lets see if I can draw a rudamentary picture to explain... ++ ++ Thats your current alignment of the bunkers. ++ _++ (space bar wouldn't load) Make it more like that. Get what I mean?
any chance you could get a topical view of the structures? the 3 on the same look kinda neat. but the rocks look painful for drive in a ghost on this map in the pics
Hey dude, where have you been? Ehh. Well, right now there aren't any problems with LoS or camping. I know you and Schintzel's suggestions are good one's and are to help improve the map, but there is a reason that the LoS are the way they are. See my response to Schintzel. I could change the one building, but I'm already so far into testing and such that I only really want to change things under the hood, i.e. spawning, weapon placements etc. I'm happy with the way the map is now. I understood what you meant. I was trying to say that by rotating the middle bunker essentially does offset the door to door LoS, though not like how you have 'drawn out.' I like the LoS the way they are anyway. It makes every one of the bunkers vulnerable to another one of the bunkers. If they were offset, which I did try in forge, then it just makes any of those bunkers invulnerable to the one next to it, and I didn't want that. Every one of the structures has LoS into/from the one next to it, so either your team can use that to your advantage or the other team will. Map control revolves around gaining control of one or more bunkers. Interupting the LoS would prevent that. You mean a topograhical view? I can't get one from overhead without escaping through the ceiling. You can piece together the entire map from the screenshots anyway. The Ghost has plenty of room to maneuver, and can even enter the buildings if the driver wants to. The rocks are scattered around for spawning and to provide infantry with cover from other infantry and the Ghost.
I've been playing Team Fortress 2 quite a bit coupled with trying to find a job/animating. I'm pretty tired of Reach and have my eyes set on Halo 4 at this point. By the way, everyone here should get in on some TF2 with me. So much fun and quite balanced for having so many classes. If it were even remotely possible, I'd love to see TF2 gametype attempted in Reach, but there's absolutely no way it's possible Payload in a Halo game would be orgasmic.
V 1.2 Update 1. Switched Offensive and Defensive Sides 2. Supported 3-Plots 3. Kill boundaries reinforced 4. Removed crates from yellow building Sorry FlyingShoe. Switched sides again, the Ghost is a defensive vehicle again. [br][/br]Edited by merge: V 1.3 Update 1. Exploitable areas behind flag have been nerfed 2. Rocks slightly adjusted V 1.4 Update 1. Objective placements adjusted 2. Major respawn zone adjustments 3. Minor small arms adjustments 4. Rocks slightly adjusted V 1.6 Update 1. Objectives relocated 2. Tac jumps added 3. Rocks added 4. Concussion Rifle relocated The flag is now on the beach side and the cap point is on the wall side. Other gametypes have also been adjusted likewise. V 1.7 Update 1. Flags and other objectives nudged 2. Minor spawning adjustments
This was really fun. I'm commenting to point out that, for me, 3-Plots wasn't too interesting. I feel it's because the part of the map (I beleive Red spawn? By the big wall) isn't really used. I like it back there (TWSS).
You could use that Speedpile gametype or whatever it is and have a crate or something set up so you can push it with a mongoose, and upon arriving at red teams base, instead of blowing it up, just score it. You might even be able to get some explosions when the base disappears if you can keep the physics active on a trigger object.
Unfortunately, I feel like that would only turn into a mini-game Nice idea though. What was this thread about again?