Hey guys, used to participate in this forum, then I didn't. But now summer is here and I don't have to worry about school so I can play Halo erryday. IT'S GOOD TO BE BACK, YO. What have I missed?
Hider. Lots of things have changed around here. For instance, dreaddraco2 is now Queen of the chatbox, now known as the lolbox. Also, that retarded guy Stevo got painted red. Go abuse him or something.
I am dying right now, and Sky ain't got no more revives! D: Welcome to forgehub, I want you to have my babies. Or better yet, welcome BACK to forgehub. Make my babies you must.
I think I remember you from a while back when I was just a mere lurker. You did a lot of graphics and art stuff, correct? Well welcome back, quite a bit has changed. Including a lot of the current members' sexuality I guess, as seen above ^^^ If you ever need any testers for maps and such, I iz here
So you have awoken from your ancient slumber. It aint 2007 anymore man. Its 2012. Things have changed in the past 5 years. How long were you frozen for? Welcome back to the future.