Bungie's next project was already...sort of announced. In the CoD lawsuit between Activision and the top two people in Infinity Ward.
I don't have a big enough room for Kinect, although I have been looking out for an excuse to get one since that Nyko zoom thing came out. I just don't particularly want another Kinect-heavy press conference when I know I won't be able to play the games. In other news, WiiU's tablet controller (GamePad) looks a bitter now. Now an awfully big fan of their Miiverse idea, because I have a feeling they'll need to moderate it to death, but I love the idea of being able to view the TV output on the tablet in real time. That pro controller looks lovely too. Also, that "zombie boss" video was reallllly embarrassing to watch.
Not going to happen. Last I heard, Nintendo were going to release the WiiU by the end of the year. Development for the two SSB games only started a month or so ago.
**** me, I want to watch this, but I have study to do. :/ Guess I'll be relying on this thread for all the major info.
I'm looking forward to possible info on The Last of Us and God of War 4. There'll obviously be tonnes of other odds and ends that will interest me as well, but I can't remember them at the moment to list them here, so I'll post them retroactively whilst they're released. I'll be keeping an eye on the Wii U stuff too, but more out of curiosity than interest. It's good they're releasing a "traditional" controller which slightly resembles the 360 one, but it'll hopefully make games easier to play on the Wii for once. Apart from that, I'll see how it all goes. Am hopeful to see some interesting new **** come out of left-field and surprise me too, like some kind of awesome indie game or a cool mobile app or something.
I really want to see the last of us. Seems like an awesome game. Also ACIII and Halo 4, both of which are already on preorder And the more I think about it, the more I think Microsoft will make a console announcement. 1)The 360s success over its rivals came VERY early in its lifespan. You know, when it was released earlier than its competitors. It isnt built for a family audience like the Wii and doesnt have the performance of the PS3. It succeeded by being the first and being cheaper. And while its still profitable, for how much longer? If they announce today, the 360 will be 8 years old before its replaced. Thats the longest of ANY console generation back to the atari. 2)Sony is already on their heels and at the same point in development. "PS4" is alleged for 2014 launch. Its possible that they could announce a console now just to get ahead in marketing even if its not nearly developed yet. 3)On top of this, Valve has already stated that they want to make a console that runs on their Steam setup. Its probably not even in development yet, but if its inexpensive, it could be a dagger to both Microsoft and Sonys systems that rely on less popular digital delivery systems. Sony is picking up steam capability to combat this, what is Microsofts answer? The best option is a revamped XBL(that works more like steam when buying games) and new console to run it on 4)And with Windows 8 launching in the next year and alleged compatibility with their console, wouldnt it make sense for a simultaneous(or near) launch for 8, the "720" and the next big windows phone? Just my thoughts. Im really getting jazzed for 3 of the 4 press conferences today(Microsoft, Ubisoft and Sony). EA doesnt excite me anymore. Just give me Madden and NCAA and move on
I heard it was gonna be called the Xbox Next. I'm fine with that name as long as it isn't called the 720. Whooo! Two circles!
.... The name hasn't been announced yet so you may have 'heard' wrong. The proper development name is Durango.
Dude. NextBox. Deal with it. Also, there is no chance of M$oft announcing the NextBox today. Think about it. When halo 4 comes out (A game they are CLEARLY throwing an awful lot at) and a new console is either out, or has been announced, what kind of moron will go and buy a brand new sexbox when it is doomed to go out of date in either a few weeks or already has? They would lose money, short and long term. So you heard it first here folks, no nextbox announcement today.
Duh... Plus the hundred or so times they were directly asked and gave a non cryptic, flat out no answer. Kinect information, maybe improvements to the 360 hardware, XBL stuff etc, no next generation stuff. WiiU isn't even so much next gen as it is current gen catch up.
I don't know how good this stream really is but it's the one I'm using. E3 2012 - All Access Live Streaming - GameTrailers.com
Yeah, I just decided to watch it on Xbox. The entire dev team isn't getting sued. The only people that have to be present is the executives.
Wow that campaign footage for H4 was so intense! I tried so hard not to watch it, but I couldn't help myself.
That youtube video is unavailable, but just for anyone trying to find it: I found the campaign demo back at 1:01:00 in the live stream