
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by x black kn1ght, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Design Intent:
    This map is a medium - small BTB map. The bases are below the level of the central playing field which greatly reduces the object count on screen which allows for some aesthetic flair. Due to the short distance from the bases you can recreate the rain of death from grenades which was popular on Halo 3's Standoff.

    The main power weapons include,
    A focus rifle at each base - 120
    Neutral Rockets - 180
    Invis - 120
    Shotgun - 120

    Warthog - 90
    Ghost - 90
    Mongoose - 30

    Map Screenshots:

    Loadout Cam:

    Base Front:

    Base Bottom:


    Turret area:

    Shotgun/Pro Pipe area:

    Video Flythrough:
  2. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've played quite a lot on this map. It's not one for the faint hearted as combat is intense from begining to end. The warthogs and ghost are very strong on this map an i myself have enjoyed the odd splatter spree with the ghost.

    Since the bases are on low ground, holding the middle area gives a significant advantage allowing some nasty team crossfires. This encourages forward aggressive pushes and further intensifies the action.

    Great fun and great for CTF
  3. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The map has an interesting layout but lacks much aesthetic feel...the map is also not very original...the different levels can add to the map but they seem to be just areas for different bases...I would suggest you add more objects to the map and aesthetics...also you could add to the map in size to increase the gameplay even more...I know you said you didnt want lag but at the moment the map doesnt feature anything that would want people to download or play the map...
  4. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    Though the map does feel like it could be larger, it definitely looks fun. There aren't a lot of maps lately that don't have glaring faults, but this one looks to be an exception. If the spawns work consistently, this should be a great map.
  5. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Having actually played a BTB game on the map, I feel compelled to disagree. The gameplay is intense, fun and well balanced. That is the single biggest reason anyone would want to download any map. Too many people on forgehub obsessed with asthetics at the expense of gameplay and/or frame rate. The asthetic touches on this map do the job they are intended for i.e they instantly allow you to identify your location within the map the nano-second you respawn.
  6. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    Jizz In My Pants!
    This definitely has my DL. I am getting a real Rat's Nest vibe from this map, is that what you were going for?
  7. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So this map is quite old but deserved an update after having some of the BTB teams from give it a run through.

    What we decided was that in order to make objective games play better that we'll need to cut down sightlines at the bases. Previously you could look right across from one side to the other which wasn't great for CTF but was ok for Slayer. So I've move the base forward to block this sight line which also gives more space for driving the hog.

    So here's some updated screenshots. This is just the test version which doesn't feature a focus rifle anymore but once we have the gameplay settled some aesthetic improvements and polishing will be done.


    New Base layout:

    Side Ramps:

    *Focus Rifle has been removed.

    Download Link:
    Alectrona v3
  8. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    Agree with every word except framerate since it can affect gameplay. Aestheitcs may be pretty but the fun keeps the game going, instead of a pretty picture.
  9. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Aesthetics stop the map from being boring to look at. Even some interesting things as cover around the map could distract players from the boring looking floor and increase the amount of fans you have. Gameplay looks great from what the pictures show though. Just the maps looks that need to improve from what i can see.
  10. Jakisthe

    Jakisthe Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Is there any...point to that wheel? I mean, looks great and all, but I was never one for large aesthetics just for the sake of large aesthetics >.<
  11. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's fairly cheap and an easy callout for players as well as being good for ordination, if you spawn and see either the crane or the "sun" you know instantly where you are.

    More recent playtest with MLG pro's against one of the better teams on

    Pro's point of view in the first playtest
    2nd playtest
    Youtube Link
    #11 x black kn1ght, May 21, 2012
    Last edited: May 21, 2012
  12. SilentNinja729

    SilentNinja729 Promethean

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    This map looks really great! The Active Camo looks like it was inspired from Halo 3's "The Pit". Is that where you got your idea from? You definitely have my download!

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