Well we're only 20 hours from the press conference and 48 from the first showing. What are you guys looking forward to seeing? Me personally, I'm hoping for/looking forward to seeing: Halo 4 hands on Assassin's Creed 3 hands on Gears of War: Justice info new Smash Bros info The Last of Us info any info about this summer's XBLA releases info on the new Sega console rumored info on new Microsoft tablet platform/accessory for Xbox Thoughts?
Ooooo I was never aware of a new Smash Bros installment. Hopefully it is compatible with the Wii I never use.
As far as I know it's slated for a release on the Wii/Wii U and 3DS. Also this is speculation, but there are rumors going around that Mega Man, Isaac (from Golden Sun), or [if I remember correctly] Sora are possible third party characters for this new game. I can't find the screenshot anymore that was on reddit, but someone tweeted wishing those 3 characters were gonna be included and one of the developers responded saying "2 for 3" and they screencapped the twitter convo before the tweet was deleted within, like 10 minutes of being sent.
What do you mean 48 from te first showing? It starts on Spike tomorrow morning at 11:30 central. Im super stocked for all the H4 footage that'll e shown, I just wanna stay away from any campaign footage.
I meant the Live Cam and Stage shows provided by Gamespot. E3 2012 Live Show, Day 1 - GameSpot.com Sorry for any misleading info.
New sega console? I thought sega was like, dead. Also I hope there's more info on Doom 3 BFG Edition.
I've heard a couple people say it's a rumor and I've heard a few others say it's a actual thing. Same with the new Microsoft peripheral. I'm hoping to either here something about these or just finally be able to write them off.
I was waiting for someone to make this thread. I'm excited. Has there been any info that EA might show Respawn's game?
Oh god please no new SEGA console, I don't want to move away from Xbox to get my Sonic fix. :'( Also, I may play a drinking game during E3. Take a shot every time MS forces Kinect down our throats, or Nintendo refer to the Wii U as "unique".
its unlikely respawn have anything to show as they weren't bothered to delay their court case, so they can't be that busy.
You know, kinect has gotten a lot better in terms of content and purpose. So let's calm a bit on the naive "I stopped paying attention to kinect about a month after it came out so obviously I'm qualified to give opinions about it" attitude huh.
The actual motion tracking is pretty bad for the finer movements (looking at you, Ghost Recon), but the voice recognition is fairly well done, as is the motion tracking for full body games. It's getting there, albeit very slowly
I said getting better, not pinnacle of technology but the way people act like news of it detracts from some other perceived gaming news is ridiculous.
Let me state a few things Ive heard about E3: WiiU release date will be announced(probably) along with a new smash bros title to possibly launch with it Rockstar will not be present which means no GTA5 stuff( or red dead 2 ) 343i has a lot of Halo 4 stuff to show, but no beta Microsoft may or may not have a new console announcement. Many think it will be another year, but Microsoft likes to be the first ones out and the WiiU is close to release. Some think that Microsoft has been tight lipped on it because they want a huge announcement. Rumors are already out that the hardware has already been chosen for it Some rumors are that Bungie will have their next project announced. Id really like to hear this one. NO Bioshock Possibly a new Gears trilogy announced Ubisoft has an unknown title to be announced. Just what Ive heard though. Im really looking forward to it. Microsoft press conference is at 9 pt tomorrow tomorrow. really looking forward to it
Pretty sure I remember reading that Bungie will not be at E3 this year. EDIT: Select members of Bungie will be there, but they're not presenting anything.