Parallax is a medium sized symmetrical map with 5 key rooms: Red/Blue bases, sniper spawn, grenade launcher spawn, and the interconnecting center room. I'm happy with the layout as well as the weapon set. Spawns still need work. Any constructive criticism is always welcome and will be taken seriously to make this map the best that it can be. I have ~1500?? budget left and i have not seen any frame rate lag at all. The map plays splitscreen with no lag either, whether that be 2 players or 4 (why in Gods name anyone would play 4 on one screen with a forge map idk) Im still tweaking the spawns. Mainly working on the spawn zones rather than the points themselves. The map is big enough to accomodate around 8 total players but small enough that spawning should be dynamic or spawn killing/trapping is a possibility. Weapons List: 3x DMRs-30 second spawn-2 spare clips 2x Needle Rifles-30 second spawn-2 spare clips 1x Sniper Rifle-120 second spawn- 1 spare clip 1x Grenade Launcher- 120 second spawn- 4 spare clips 2x Magnums- 30 second spawn- 2 spare clips 2x Spikers- 45 second spawn- 0 clips 1x Plasma Pistol-30 second spawn - 2 clips(no effect on plasma pistol) 1x Needler- 45 second spawn- 1 clip 2x Plasma Grenades- 30 second spawn 4x Frag Grenades- 30 second spawn Red Loadout Cam Neutral Loadout Cam Red Base (Angle 1) Red Base (Angle 2) Check out the video walkthrough below. Essentially two walkthroughs in one. The first ends about 2 minutes in and then a new round starts. Halo Reach Map Preview: Parallax - YouTube
I watched the video. It has a nice design but in my opion it is very very very open and requires more cover.. What game types will it support?
mainly team slayer. the ctf version cuts off the main bases from one another. in total tho i think its slayer, oddball, ctf, stockpile,infection, assault, and territories are all supported. i felt comfortable in terms of the cover but i will take another look. i know that sniper room and the "ball room" or grenade room seem very open but from the few playtests that ive been able to get on the map they seem to be working alright. of course this is only a preview and needs to be refined. Thank you for your comment
Looks pretty. Have you had any performance issues? Also, any plans to set it up to accommodate Invasion Skirmish? Looks big enough.
zero performance issues. u could play 4 player splitscreen if u were so inclined, however render distance is ridiculously tiny with 4 pple. invasion skirmish is just Spartans vs Spartans or a mix of species? i forget cuz i dont play invasion much and idk if its big enough for 6v6. frankly 4v4 might be a bit hectic but i neeedz to test with more pple!
There are variants with each combination of species. Spartan Skirmish is SvS, Elite Skirmish is EvE, and Invasion Skirmish is SvE. There are copies of all of them on my fileshare if you need them. As for the size, I could be wrong - I'm not at my xbox atm, so I'm just going by the video. It looks like it could pull it off though. Of course you could run 4v4 skirmish matches and it would play like Bro Slayer but with weapon drops. I just like the weapon drops because they're sort of the direction Halo 4 is going, and they put some actual significance on capturing objectives. I figured your power weapon spawn platforms would make nice objective locations too, and skirmish combines objectives with power weapon spawns.
*The original introduction has been updated* That sounds pretty good. The only thing i don't wanna do is have like 8 of the same weapon in one area with the only difference being the labels of slayer, ctf, bomb,etc. I could just set that up as a separate map tho. Any thoughts on the amount of cover? Reaper brought up that he thought it was very open. What i was going for was those initial 2 or 3 encounters in a 4v4 match. either 2 players go snipe, 2 go GL or 2 GL, 1 center, and 1 snipe. The winner of the GL matchup gains the high ground in the first scenario and a powerful line of sight but at the range of the bases from the top of that area the GL is not as useful. The same thing goes for the snipe encounter. That sub team of 2 that wins the battle gets a useful power wep but they have the lower portion of the map. My thinking is that if there was less cover then the sniper becomes harder to use. There arent a lot of areas that give u a good LoS for the sniper so too much cover would make that weapon relatively useless for anything but noscopes on the map. Also the 2 power weps used to be in opposite places so that made the "ballroom" too campy. Its still that kind of area that everyone wants to be because of the high ground but the way the map is built kind of promotes the jet pack as well so that issue of high ground is less of a factor when that one AA can get the highest "ground." So after that little ramble... what do u think of the amount of cover? anyone.
I'm going to give you my quick rundown based on what I can see in the video. I'll be willing to take a closer look at it if you put in your fileshare. I imagine players will camp at sniper spawn because it has a clear view of every entrance, has plenty of unnecessary cover, and has height advantage. Somebody with skill could easily abuse that position. The same thing applies to the the grenade launcher spawn, but on a lesser scale since the LoS to one entrance is blocked. I haven't tested it so I can't be sure though. Some of the weapons could use some tweaking. There are two spikers only a couple of steps from each other. I understand you were trying to keep the weapon layout symmetrical, but they should be spaced out some more nonetheless. There's also some corner to corner LoS from the end of each tunnel connecting to the sniper room. I'll help test it, if you'd like.
All valid points and i rlly do wanna get a Team Slayer test on it. You worked on jackbasket right? Im friends with jackknife on live but i havent even seen that map in person. Maybe we can do some testing tonight on these maps. Ive got some other maps sitting on my HDD that need a test or two also.
It's quite good but I agree cover is lacking especially in front of the sniper spawn. The best and simplest solution would be some pillars. Nothing too complicated. I can join you for the tests if I'm online at the time [gt]fang3013[/gt]