This thread is dedicated to an up and coming game, Starforge. It's a real-time strategy game with first person shooter elements. It is inspired by Minecraft and Halo. StarForge - First Playable Release - YouTube This looks amazing to me and I cannot wait until this is fully released! Credit to Titmar for this source: if you check their forums, they have explained their model for how they plan to make money. apparently there will be different "hero" classes you can buy and play as that have special perks and abilities. they claim that its all balanced and will not be something that you basically HAVE to buy. edit - source: STEAM RELEASE - 2014 I found this in their Youtube Channel's feed. They have made it onto Steam via Greenlight and are planning a full release in 2014. Link to their Youtube channel:
Ditto that! I just watched the video and it looks insane!!! That is what minecraft should have been like...
I subscribed to the channel and i go on Youtube every day so when a video gets released, i'll put it on the thread immediately.
That looks incredibly cool, but I think my comp would explode from the insane amounts of rendering. Bummer :/ The only thing that I think they need to work on is the animation for things like running, jumping, and climbing (but the collisions and physics engine looks sick). It seems like the legs ragdoll everywhere in a really unrealistic way.
yea the ragdoll did look broken, i agree. but... damn. i dont have time for this, lol. this looks to have fixed everything i hate about minecraft and turned it into something that actually doesnt look like ****, and actually has fun gameplay (possibly) time will tell though, we'll see if it works as well as we hope it works.
I downloaded it and had a go. My PC takes quite a while to load the terrain textures. The game might fare better on a gaming PC.
If it wasnt free, they'd be making a huge profit right now. Reminds me of the Halo Helljumper project. Made by a bunch of friends only to ask for a little bit of donation to please thousands. Very nice of them to just give a game like this away.
It's in version Alpha 0.1 so i think that when it comes close to completion, they will put a price on it.
Still looks awesome! Has anyone downloaded this yet and started playing? I got bored as hell last night, so if the same occurs tonight, I'll probably end up downloading it.
Considering how big minecraft was and that it's just a third of what StarForge is; plus StarForge even has enhanced graphics.... I don't think looks really matter.
if you check their forums, they have explained their model for how they plan to make money. apparently there will be different "hero" classes you can buy and play as that have special perks and abilities. they claim that its all balanced and will not be something that you basically HAVE to buy. edit - source:
Heh, unfortunately it never works out that way. If it is truly balanced then there is no incentive to pay. Costs would have to be pretty low to justify purely aesthetic differences.
Yeah, i hear ya. We'll see. I'm still not 100% sold on the game, I want to wait and see later releases and see where it goes. I guess you can't even go into space in the current release unless you tower there, plus other bugs. But if the game ends up being as awesome as i want it to be in my brain, i certainly wont mind spending a few bucks on some stupid microtransactions type ****.
So yeah, I went into the game today. There's a hell of a lot of problems at the minute. The grid system isn't smooth and it's extremely difficult to place a block where you actually want it (I wanted to put 5 blocks in a line and it took like 5 minutes to do so, up until the point where a horrible bug kicked in) The bug is that the game just decides to stop rendering anything, and the entire screen goes black. You can still run around, shoot, and 'build' you just can't do anything. You're essentially blind. The menu's are still visible though, as is your HUD. The graphics do look amazing though. The scenery is fantastic for a free game.
Is it strange I'm more excited for this than H4? I mean, it's still early days and tons of bugs will be present... But if they pull it off, it'll be spectacular.