Renegade Base

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by reaper3bot0, Mar 2, 2012.

  1. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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    Solo or team up with 2-4 friends in multi-team action or 8 vs 8 friends in team slayer red vs Blue team action. Renegade is a Mid to large size base with 4 Jump pads to the second level and 2 stair cases, and 5 drop holes to the first level.

    Supported game types: Multi-team Slayer , Team Slayer, Juggernaut, Swat, Infection koth

    Its a fairly easy layout 4 corner rooms, with a cross pathway in the middle.

    [COLOR="Yellow"]Renegade base[/COLOR]

    #1 reaper3bot0, Mar 2, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2012
  2. Georges Forges

    Georges Forges Forerunner

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    Map makes my think of think twice not in look but the over powering game play with the really cool sleek design.
  3. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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    nice glad you like it, I actually made this before think twice thou
  4. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Forerunner

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    Okay, so I took a look at your video and I can see quite a few flaws in the design of your map.

    First, you've used a large amount of unnecessary objects and there is no consistent palette either. It looks to me like you placed whatever objects would fit where you needed them to, which is something you definitely want to avoid. It makes your map look sloppy. You also use both covenant and human barriers, which makes me question the theme of your map and ties into my point about using pieces willy-nilly.

    Next is your "standing cover," which means cover that is solely placed to act as cover. Examples of this are your random columns sticking up from the ground and your cover pieces stuck in the middle of hallways. Using the human/covy barriers as standing cover works on some maps, but here it makes hallways cluttered and unruly. I would suggest removing all of these and finding other ways to get similar results. The Covy barriers in the center especially absolutely need to go. This will not only make your map look better, but it will save you $15 per piece (barriers and most scenery are $25 whereas structures besides decorative are $10).

    The lift on this map seems to spit you out in a disorienting way that abruptly throws you toward the health pack (which is poorly placed I might add; health packs should be located in less trafficked areas rather than highly trafficked ones) and at great speed. You want your lifts to be smooth and the landing clear. I was confused just watching the video, so I can imagine a player who has never seen the map would have an even harder time.

    It looks like you avoided using too many pieces with lights on them, but you have a lot that use opaque glass. While this isn't as bad as transparent glass, it still requires more processing, especially since you have a yellow light on here which reflects off the glass and greatly bears down on the games performance. With such an over-abundance of objects on the map already, I think it is safe to assume this map suffers from some harsh screen-lag at times depending on where you are looking.

    Weapons. I see you have rockets, a GL, OS, shotgun, and a hammer on this map. I can't quite stress how broken these are on a map of this size and it's CQC nature.

    Rockets are suited for maps that are open and have space to maneuver away should a rocket come flying at you. I'm not saying it should be easy to dodge, but with all the tight hallways and 90 degree angles you have, players won't stand a chance. Same goes for the hammer and shotgun. With sprint, you are never too far from an opponent to rush up to them within seconds and blow them away. Not very fun for the player on the receiving end, who barely stands a fighting chance, evidenced quite clearly in your video. As for OS, I don't feel I need to explain why that doesn't work. You don't even have to drop down from high ground to get it- you can just walk near it.

    Also, In the middle where the Covy barriers are, you have what appears to be 4 weapons. Why you would cluster 4 weapons together, one of them being a power weapon nonetheless, is beyond me. You can literally pick up the OS and grab the GL without moving. Broken.

    Honestly, the only good thing I can say about this map right now is that it has at least 3 entrances into each area, though I have feeling the room with the lift could be easily camped since there are only 2 hard-paths into it and a player trying to use the lift to flank is easily disposed of should your team hold one of the many power weapons littered on the map.

    I feel I've dissected your map enough to give you and idea of how you can improve your next one and avoid the same mistakes made here. Cheers.
  5. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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    I gave it different objects to give it different depths and textures.

    Rockets I believe everyone enjoys rockets when they get them.

    Colums you dont like my 2 colums at each drop hole? Astetically yea I agree they due not fit that well but it does allow me to hang a nice hp pack right there. :) But they also function as two things a stop mark so you dont go down the drop hole, and small amount of cover.
  6. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Forerunner

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    Having texture on your map is great, but not when it's just a bunch of pieces crammed together and frankly, your map looks ugly because of it. I gave you a lot more feedback than you are addressing here and I hope you take the time to fix your map or greatly improve your next one by considering the things I have taken the time to go over. I just hope I haven't wasted my time here.
    #6 UnfrozenLynx, Mar 4, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2012
  7. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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  8. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Uh... that was the shortest and least in-depth video review I've ever seen. Just because you got one of the countless Forge Map Youtube channels to make you a 48 second video does not mean your map is the better for it.

    On the whole I agree with Lynx. Your map isn't bad but could be improved aesthetically and the lines of sight could be cleaned up tremendously by following his advice. The map isn't necessarily ugly and it doesn't look as if it would play bad, but so much could be better if it was just fixed up and fine tuned a bit more.

    Also, you should be a lot more accepting of constructive criticism on your own maps. If someone comes in and writes a few hundred words on what you could do to improve you are actually pretty lucky, and you should focus on trying to make improvements instead of trying to justify everything you did that they didn't like. Arguing that your way is better and that they don't know what they are talking about leaves you with the same map, so why not try some of the suggestions in an alternate version and see if you can actually make the map better that way? You're only hurting yourself otherwise.
  9. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    To add on to what Lynx said - I think it's less that your map is ugly and more that you have a lot of interesting-looking parts (even a couple that are aesthetically very cool) but as a whole, the map is all over the place. Maps tend to look better if you decide on a theme and a limited set of objects that fit together well, then build as much as possible using those objects. Your map has a little bit of ADHD in its design. You're clearly a decent forger, I would say it would benefit you to just streamline a bit.
  10. Yellow Sausage

    Yellow Sausage Promethean

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    How did you do that?
  11. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Forerunner

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    Do what...?
  12. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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    its kinda funny this site seems like theres many many haters lurking in the shadows of it.
    Ive had nothing but compliments on every single map Ive produced all 62 of them. Unlike most people i dont just plop down stuff and say hey its a map. I take time and design things think things threw and make the best of the limitations halo reach forge has. Ive been doing this longer then you guys have been gaming most likely and Im not trying to please you all. I started out in quake 1 back in 1996 in the gaming community my clan put out an AI bot and I also personally made skins and levels and eventually a small mod, So if you want to pick something you dont like and give feedback Im ok with it, am I going to change stuff because a few haters dont like something and think they are better then me nope, am I gona take some kids advice probably not... I make a map for free for the world to play on I test it out and release what I feel is right, Hopefully I inspire people but I still realize there are people out there who wont be happy. This was not even posted in the aesthetic forum and yet people are all like this and that crying about aesthetics, I built this map solely for gameplay And the way I designed it made it look phenomenal, and the idea was loosely based off of rats nest halo 1 (I believe it was called.) so I did have a theme and I aimed for fun and enjoyment Which I accomplished from the 100's of in game mails Ive received and multiple map reviews I know that I am correct.

    BTW UnfrozenLynx after seeing your one and only posted map here on forgehub im sorry to say but you really really should not be posting junk like what you have in mine or anyones threads. That map Basis is so fugly and uninteresting its not even funny Maybe take your own advice and go back scrap that map and make something else so your next map doesnt look like a eye sore. Maybe go this routegameplay & aesthetics find the balance instead of using collisium walls like they are going out of season. Also BTW use a safe-zone then you don't have to worry about kill-zones.
    #12 reaper3bot0, Jun 9, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2012
  13. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    How does providing feedback make him a hater? Whether you choose to accept it or not, you should thank him for even taking the time to write it.

    Reading your weak attempt at bashing his map made me laugh. There was honestly no need to resort to that.

    I would normally take a look at the map in order to accumulate some feedback, but instead I will comment in such a way that you prefer.

    hOly SH*T this mpa is awsum!!11! Ill be lke hte uther 100 persons adn gve you a 100000/10!!!
  14. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    Take the advice.

    Also, bashing another person's map as a lame rebuttal is very immature and childish. And I don't see how you expect to post a map and receive all praise just because some kids said your map was cool and some poor, short video review does not make you a pro. How does playing Quake 1 make you good at forging.

    It's people like you that make me doubt humanity.
  15. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow. You, sir, really surprised me with that extremely immature comment there.
    Besides that, your assault on UnfrozenLynx was just pathetic.

    And I don't even understand your statement. If you think you know better than anyone else and don't take any constructive criticism whatsoever on your maps, then what's your whole point of posting your map here anyway?!
    The forum is NOT trying to bash your work. It's trying to help you.

    Probably to come up with such elaborate feedback. ;)
    Apparently some people have difficulties with doing the same. lol his comment was pretty pointless, actually. :p
  16. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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    BTW this is a hater comments right here and I quote from his first post.

    "Okay, so I took a look at your video and I can see quite a few flaws in the design"
    " I think it is safe to assume this map suffers from some harsh screen lag"

    Honestly, the only good thing I can say about this map right now is that it has at least 3 entrances"

    "Honestly, the only good thing I can say about this map right now is that it has at least 3 entrances into each area, though I have feeling the room with the lift could be easily camped since there are only 2 hard-paths into it and a player trying to use the lift to flank"

    This is what I call a hater. Someone who refuses to actually play on a map but has to flap there mouth like it is important.

    Perhaps if he actually went into the forged map and looked he would of noticed no lag no issues with glass everything is smooth and gameplay is good, along with all the amazing aestetics on the map. But instead he decided to flap his jaw in the wind provide bs back and assume this and that. And yet he produced that fugly peace of dung he calls basic all it has is collisium walls going out of style no aestetics no nothing to be proud of a simple layout map where he threw down gray coliseum walls.
    I am in a competitive forum posting a map not in an aestetic forum and yet all he can do is sit there and ***** and whine about something he hasnt even played on. I made this map for the simple reason fun. That is all that's what I accomplished and it looks pretty damn awesome. If you don't like it so what move on don't leave propaganda and BS in peoples threads.


    Rightfully forgehub is full of haters, people who are trying to bash your maps without actually playing on it, people who think they know better, little kids prob around 13-16 years old. This community is a vile disease ridden place and unfortunately I will not be sticking around here or coming back, I'm done with this site. Goodbye to the few people who did stick around who were half decent in there replies not trying to make peoples maps look like garbage without actually playing on them.
  17. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    LOL @ These upstart forgers that have yet to make a single decent map coming on here and thinking they're better than established forgers. You might have done a bit of work in Quake (highly doubt you've been around since the Quake days with that grammar), but you don't seem to have the first clue when it comes to map design in Halo. Refusing to take advice will only have you remain at the low forging level you are currently at, but at least you admit that you're an ignoramus (though somewhat indirectly).

    And by the way, the map you're thinking of is Rat Race.

    OT: Why are people still posting here? This community is pretty much dead outside the Chat Box, as much as I hate to say it.
    #17 4shot, Jun 10, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  18. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I do agree that he should grow up and learn to accept proper feedback, because the way I read UnfrozenLynx's words is definitely not what I would call the words of a hater. He was a little harsh at some points, yes, but he also summed up numerous good things about his map and even though he was harsh, he didn't bash his map at all.

    However, I don't think you should insult him like that, 4shot. The last thing it'll do is to encourage him to stay at ForgeHub, and ForgeHub - at least that's the way I feel - should be a cool place for anyone and everyone. And his map was definitely not that bad. I've seen a lot of crap being posted on the forums here, but most people don't even take the time to leave feedback on those maps. So yeah, please don't make it look like his map is a pile of crap. It's not.

    The only real problem here is that apparently this guy won't take any constructive criticism, and will simply call the somewhat harsh feedback he gets the words of a hater. If he can't handle that, then I'm afraid that indeed it might be better to go to a different forum, because if we can't be honest on ForgeHub, then what are we even still doing here? Then we might as well shut everything down and just start downloading the most downloaded maps again, because there's no feedback for those kinds of maps either and everyone knows they suck (most of the time).

    Good question. I guess some people wish to keep the map sections alive, even nowadays, and apparently I'm one of them because I keep posting there. :)
    #18 REMkings, Jun 11, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
  19. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Forerunner

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    First, I just want to say that I won't feed into your trolling by responding with an aggressive reply. Secondly, your grammar and spelling are equivalent to that of a 5th grader. If you want anyone to take you seriously, you really ought to craft your prose more carefully. Also, lurking in the shadows? How is anyone lurking in the shadows if they're here posting feedback on your map?

    I find it funny that you claim to have released 62 maps in Reach (at least that's what seems to be implied...), all of which were "well thought out and designed." I'm not impressed that your friends and online buddies who probably know nothing about map design and competitive game-play have showered you with compliments. Clearly they have negatively affected your ability to take feedback and grow as a designer by lifting your head above the clouds. I don't think anyone who truly takes the time to perfect their maps could have 62 maps under their belt in 1 1/2 years. I know excellent Forgers who test and reiterate upon a design for several months before calling a map finished. Perhaps you are a faster Forger, but there is no way to make testing go faster.

    Yes, I might have been harsh in my feedback at times. That's just how I roll. I don't have the time to sugar coat my critiques in order to ensure your ego is satisfied. Being so offended and proceeding to bash my own map simply showcases your immaturity. No, I have not played this map, nor have I even flown around it in Forge. What I did do though is closely examine the video footage you provided, which I think counts as a fly-through, before "flapping" my mouth. I stand by my criticisms and find it unfortunate that I wasted 30 minutes of my time evaluating the things I saw in your video and trying to relay my thoughts to you.

    It is interesting that you claim Renegade Base is, "...not even posted in the aesthetic forum and yet people are all like this and that crying about aesthetics," before going on to criticize Basis as being "fugly" and an "eyesore." You couldn't give a real critique if your life depended on it. You contradict yourself at every turn while trying to prove some point no one cares about, all over a misunderstanding.

    The pictures of Basis are outdated anyways and the map no longer has the giant Coli Walls looming over each base, though I will readily admit many still exist. Why? Performance. Basis is very much game-play over aesthetics and I have streamlined the crap out of the piece-usage to ensure the best performance possible. Most aesthetics that used to exist are gone and Coli Walls make up many of the floors and walls.

    I have also tested Basis at least 50-60+ times in all relevant game-modes and listened to/applied feedback from dozens of players/forgers. Play a game of MLG Crazy King, MLG CTF5, or Neutral Bomb and I guarantee that you'll enjoy the highly competitive game-play the map provides (provided you can pull your head out of your ass). Oh yeah, I almost forgot- a safe-zone isn't enough to make a map inescapable. A hard-safe is too brutal and doesn't allow jet-packers to maneuver. There are carefully placed hard-kill zones on the map that make it inescapable and allow for jet-packers to do their thing. You're really reaching here when it comes to your attempts to bash on my map, so much so that you're just plain wrong in your assessments. Please try again with real feedback and maybe I won't laugh while reading your post.

    Is this map tagged? I can't download maps directly to my harddrive from my computer and would love to get a game on this so I can confirm all the points mentioned in my constructive feedback.

    PS. Basis is not my only map; I made maps under the name "Frozenlynx" before it was changed to this. None of them are as good as Basis (in fact, most of them suck), but I do have a pedigree of sorts when it comes to forging competitive maps.
    #19 UnfrozenLynx, Jun 22, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2012
  20. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That was a boss way to reply. Props man.

    Yet, I don't think you should've bashed the guy, since his map wasn't THAT bad at all. It's actually a pretty good map. There are just some things that he could consider fixing. So please don't burn him down to the ground like that. ;)
    #20 REMkings, Jun 22, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2012

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