Article. So most of you guys probably have heard of this by now, but last Saturday in Miami, a homeless man ate another man's face, 75% to be exact. The two were also naked, most likey due to "cocaine psychosis." The crazy thing is, though, once an officer shot the man a numerous amount of times, he wouldn't back down. He kept eating until he finally got shot in the head. That's what creeps me out the most. Apparently there has been a few strange incidents in Florida over the last month....
Reminds me of a book I read recently, "Cryptic". Anyway how the hell did he keep eating after getting shot?
Apprently recently someone cut themselves open and threw their insides at a police, i'll look for the story. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Police: Hackensack Man Wayne Carter Stabbed Himself, Threw His Skin And Intestines At Officers « CBS New York
This is the the first incident I cam think of that cocaine has caused this, generally it is pcp or angeldust that leads to such a level of psychosis that the druggie ends up eating their dog or someones face. Regardless, the psychosis likely inspires some feeling of invincibility or detachment from the pain of being shot. It terms of how close they are psychologically to a zombie, its probably close... however, they are like that from drugs and the effect wont be passed to the victims. So... they aren't really zombies, just druggies that took it too far and would be permanently damaged mentally even if they weren't shot to death.
1. Put Cocaine in flour bags 2. Sell as flour 3. PROFIT 4. Use PROFIT to buy shotguns for upcoming Zombie Apocalypse.
What's up with so many people snorting/injecting bath salts lately? This article is actually from my home town last week. Not nearly as serious as these other two situations involving bath salts, but still, apparently these bath salts are a mind-****. Bath salts.
When I saw Gaylord Herald Times in the upper right corner I instantly thought of: Spoiler Anyways, I think this reassures our world is going to hell and we will all surely die December 21. And we can just all blame Theorem for that.
Yeah, okay, sorry about that guys. Spam is definitely what we needed -_- Any more one word comments get asploded.
I don't think this was mentioned, but there's a picture of the victim's face.... or what's left of it. I'll try to find it, though I'm not sure if I want to link it... Just search it if you're into that sick ****.
Because there is no face to recognize, breh. Some kid at my school decided to show it to my English Instructor. EXPOLSION. Jklol. He was sent home, haha.