Halo 3, any of the Marathon games because they have a lot of replay value IMO, Burnout: Revenge, and lastly, Pathways into Darkness.
Gamecube: Metroid Prime, Geist (most unique multiplayer, ever), Kirby's Air Ride, Timesplitters 2 (which I carried over to sexbox), and Windwaker. Xbox 360: Halo 3 ODST, Fallout 3 (300 some-odd ours), Oblivion. Ohmygosh, GEIST. It had the strangest gameplay, but it was so ****ing amazing.
I have so much respect for anyone who mentions Kirby's Air Ride. Anyone who knows me knows I nostalgia hard for the classics, but the one I still go back and play? Pokemon Red (emulated on my phone). In my opinion, one of the best portable games, to this day. Now, im gonna go and look for the nostalgia thread
Oh, all of the Pokemon games up until Emerald, Doom 2, Halo 3, Death Rally, Pod Racers, Dr. Mario, Star Wars Battlefront 2. I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting, but yeah.
Wow, can't believe I forgot Zelda and Metroid. If it were series instead of game, those two would be heavy ****ing hitters. Alas, it is 'most replay value' rather than 'best' or 'most nostalgic'
I'd say pretty much any Halo game. When I either got mad or sick of either of them at any point, I'd turn towards something from Nintendo like Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Donkey Kong 64, or an old Mario game. I pretty much keep on regressing back to the oldest games that I've ever played if the games that I invested the most time into start turning me off.
Gah, forgot this. My 12 yr neighbor used to come over (I was 16-17) and we'd play this fairly often lol. Would also play this with my other old neighbor when I was like 13. Good times
Any Pokemon game The Ape Escape series (Though I only have Ape Escape 3 now) The Mario Kart series Little Big Planet 2 Red Dead Redemption Batman Arkham Asylum & Arkham City
Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors Expansion RollerCoaster Tycoon 1/2 GTA: San Andreas (xbox), causing major traffic accidents is so much more enjoyable in SA than in IV. I love taking a linerunner semi truck and parking it in the middle of the highway leading to Las Venturas, getting out and just watch the mayhem ensue with massive pileups and chain reaction explosions. It's just so beautiful.
Super Smash Bros. (any of the series), Pokemon Silver/Gold (Which i have moved up to SoulSilver. Its just got more long lasting content and options), Mass Effect 3 (Multiplayer), TF2 (PC), L4D2 (PC), Sly Cooper 1 and 2. I grew up with most of these games and not only are they fantastic, but they are high in nostagia for me. Pokemon Silver was my first game I think ever (and what a first it was!) I still love the pokemon game, but chose to upgrade to it's remake thanks to improved everything while keeping the same game and no 15 year battery of death. Sly Cooper is wonderful (3 is fine, but 1 and 2 are amazing), and the rest up there are just damn fun to play. Many of these (ME3, TF2, L4D2) are constantly updated too, and new unlocks are presented often. Surprisingly I didnt care for Halo 3 much, and I never play Reach much anymore. Never played Halo 1 or 2 much- didnt own an exbox. One of my friends still plays that, I tried but found it lacking. Still, if I had a dime for every hour he was on that- I would have quite a few dimes...
My first post in this thread. That was the first game that came to my mind. Simplest and most fun racing game I've ever played. Double Dash takes second. I can't even think of a worthy third place. Also, forgot about Wind Waker and Pikmin. Those two I can always pick up as well. Gamecube was the ****.