This is my map Imperious. It is my first map, so don't bite. MLG Imperious 1.0 Hello forgers, this is my first map... so don't bite. Also, don't bite if the pictures don't load on the first try... Red Base Walkway Lower Blue Balcony Overview Middle I have tested this map already with my friends, but I have only tested slayer and CTF. Assault should be fine, Oddball might be flawed though :S I still need testers. 2 Shotguns, 1 spare clip each - 118 sec 8 DMRs - 30 sec 2 Needle Rifles - 30 sec 2 Magnums - 30 sec 2 Plasma Pistols - 60 sec 8 Plasma Grenades - 30 sec 8 Frag Grenades - 30 sec 6 Health Packs - 60 sec 2 Holograms - 118 sec 1 Armor Lock - 118 sec Questions, comments, or just wanted to tell me that my map sucks/is great, post here!
I think 118 seconds is such a wierd time to set the respawns. I would do 120 instead. Not bad for your first map. Well, atleast you can make a map (unlike myself).
I was under the impression that 2 seconds less than the Halo 3 MLG standard re-spawn time was now standard for MLG map variants in Halo: Reach.
I agree. If you're gonna go 118, you might as well go 117. Onto the map. I see a number of uneven walking surfaces (most notably the center), which can make aiming during DMR shootouts a bit wonky, especially on the dance floor. Maybe it's a matter of preference, but I think it's a good idea to have an open center as point of attrition. The most direct route from base to base should have the least cover, especially for CTF matches. Just a thought, and welcome to Forge Hub!
having them on 118 seconds and drop spawn has them spawning crisply every two minutes for the whole length of the game.
I haven't tested CTF thoroughly (first time I tested it I realized that there was no destination to bring the enemy flag = FAIL), and if you would like to run customs on it sometime add me (GT: Antares777x) and send a message. I am almost 100% sure that there are no uneven walking spaces in the center of the map, and it is very vulnerable; I have played 4v4 TS on my map, and the two balconies cover the center extremely well. The main reasons I have different ramps is because of grenades. I didn't want enemy teams lobbing grenades/shooting at each other from base to base without moving forward a little. Without the ramps, I think the map would favor the team that sits in their base during most of the combat. The ramps allow players to move forward while also being able to hide from DMR shots and grenades at certain points. Once you cross the ramps, there is nowhere to hide. I might remove the ramps in the center if I feel it is necessary, but right now I think that it wouldn't encourage teams to move out of their base at all, especially after seeing that in a 4v4 TS match one team just sat in their base and had a significant advantage. Add me if anyone wants to run customs on my map (GT: Antares777x). PS: anyone know how to set up a featured image? Like, have a picture of my map in front of the thread? Added after 8 minutes: What is drop spawn? Sorry, I'm new to forging, but I have lurked on forums about halo maps before so I know some stuff. Is that when the item is placed off of the ground so that when it spawns it falls? Added after 2 Days 3 Hours: ...Bump because I have absolutely no feedback and thus am unable to make a 1.1 version...
its nice, and the layout is good, but MLG and armor lock DON'T mix. thats like poaring noobs onto a fire; sounds fun, but really isn't. jokes aside, its a fine map {good on you for defending MLG spawn times {Get rid of AL {Maybe add some more aesthetic pieces fo appeal {get rid of them there lights [cough]Lag[/cough] Keep Forging
^major bump.not sure it matters at this point. But I agree armor lock needs to go.and there could be some aesthetic work done. Are there any frame rate issues?