I sort of re-invisioned Narrows not long ago, and being a huge fan of the map, I decided to make it in a different way. Completely different. And given the size, spawn killing isnt an issue, as well as the map being completely rid of camping. I dont have much to say other than enjoy. The map's in my fileshare so search my GT: xRoboArtistx Here's a quick walkthrough: Reach Forge Map: Dynasty - YouTube
Narrows is meh, but It's nice to see that you patched some of its issues. There are still some that I noticed after taking a gander at it in forge, though. In bottom center you have two teleporters right next to each other. The distance between them isn't necessarily a problem, but it's difficult to determine where either one leads. I suggest color coding the tunnels surrounding them for better player orientation. The other issue I noticed was the LoS. Two of the paths across the map were long, tight corridors. You added areas where you could break away from the path if needed, but I imagine a player would be reluctant to travel across it with the chance of being shot from the other side. I can't say for sure without testing though. This takes me to the next point. I don't think the sides promote progression, but instead camping in the base. This is mainly because of the long LoS and unsafe pathing. Once again, I cannot say for sure without testing. Invite me to testing and stuff, man. EDIT: I take back my point about the teleporters, lol.
Sorry I had to leave in the middle of 2v2 testing, but I really do like this map. First game I played on it wasn't that fun because the spawning was messed up and all the action would just happen in those long hallways, none at the bottom, and very little in the middle. I would think the teleporter camping would be an issue, but it's really not, and you're vulnerable on the other side or the entrances if its attempted. tl;dr ?Cool map, Robo... just fix the spawning.
This looks like a really good re-envisioning of a classic. I like how smooth this looks, however, (from watching the video) I see a lot of potential problems with gameplay. The two side tunnels seem too narrow and too straight. I'd recommend adding either a bend in these which lead towards the teleporter more. Curve the pathway out so it's a long curve with the peak at the base of the teleporter. The arching path will then stop the long site line from one end of the map to the other and would appear less monotonous and more distinguishable. The second would be the teleporters. I just don't like the concept of the bottom to top teleporter access with a view straight out to rockets and the opposite sides teleporter. Third (Which isn't really necessary) is the bottom mid section needs some height variance in the terrain. The same-level flooring doesn't provide any addtional cover (like in original narrows the most cover was the arching floor) and it appears too bland because of this. Finally, I think the rocket perch should be at the peak of the map and as a platform, should block the line of sight from teleporter - teleporter across map. This would fix the other extremely long sightline. As a whole, the map concept is excellent and it shows excellent creativity in adapting an existing design and layout. I'd love to get a game on this some time to see how the game actually plays out instead of me just predicting how it would play based on a video