We could really use your help! go to: http://www.petitionbuzz.com/petitions/vote to support a race playlist in Halo 4! We need every vote we can get! Every vote makes a difference! -mazdak26
I "voted" but I doubt they will implement one. Reach introduced a Race gametype, and they didn't even do it. Maybe change the picture to a group of racers on a double-wide or something. The one you are currently using isn't very inspiring.
We've tried to rally once before - and completely ****ing failed. No offence meant, but if Race is in Halo 4, I hardly think it has anything to do with this 'petition' that we're signing. I still voted though, in the off chance that it does sway the final choice.
If we could also just simply press the little submission button, we'd help out all Race fans a lot - or at least give them hope. (And I consider myself that much of a fan that I'd also really like to see a Race playlist.) So yeah guys even if you don't like Race, please vote anyway: it's litterally only 2 clicks - and 1 second - and you'd be a great help to him. Edited by merge: Also, I forgot to say this, but what Halo 4 should actually do is making a Community Playlist for Halo 4, including "different" gamemodes like Living Dead, Action Sack, Grifball and Race, that does not record your stats whatsoever (but does record your medals, for all of us multikill lovers ). That way, people don't have to play as a coward when playing as a zombie, because even if they get slaughtered, it won't matter because their K/D Spread and/or Ratio won't be altered anyway. Same for Race: There's no need to stay away from playing it to keep your K/D the same (since obviously you won't get a positive K/D in Race very easily), because it shouldn't be recorded anyway.
Is it true you can vote multiple times? It seemed to work for me, but there isn't some kind of counter where you can see the amount of votes so I couldn't really check.
You can press the sign button as many times as you want but it only counts one. This really isn't gonna do **** to persuade 343 from doing anything, really.
I've always wanted a racing playlist, although racing on any default map is beyond stupid. It would be sweet to either race on MX/SX tracks or double-wide tracks with hazards throughout the race. If 343 considers it, then I guarantee they'll screw it up completely, like bungie screwed rocket race in Reach.