Spoiler FTG Insanity :: "FTG Lockout" A Halo 2 Lockout Remake (Info in Description) - YouTube FTG Lockout is a forge world recreation of Halo 2's map with nearly 2 years of concept put into it. 10/15/2010 is the official date of when I started my concepts. Since then I've been learning how forge works and what is most important when forging maps as well as trying to bring back everything that made Lockout memorable and one of the most played Halo maps in history. I had my original Xbox next to me the entire process of its creation. FTG Lockout is set accurate to scale, size, door frame jumps/most trick jumps, line-of-sight, and gametypes. Almost all key jumps are working and accurate to the original map with no extra jumps necessary(except one minor addition with Snipe 1 fusion coil jump). Framerate has been tested with splitscreen and parties of 16 players. All main gametypes are supported except Invasion(including Race, Infection, Team Slayer, FFA, Headhunter, CTF, Oddball, KOTH, Territories, and Assault) NOTE: although all gametypes are supported, these settings must be modified in order for game types to be playable and accurate: Player Speed: 110% Jump Height: 125% Player Gravity: 100% Map Variant and Game Types are available for download in my Fileshare. TO DOWNLOAD: Press 'start' > File Browser > New Custom Search > File Share Search > enter gamertag: FTG Insanity Map Variant Name: FTG Lockout Game Type Names: Lockout Throwback Slayer(Halo 2/3 settings), Lockout MLG v7(latest MLG settings with change in speed, height, and gravity), and Lockout Infection(Basic infection adjusted for proper settings).
I've seen a better looking one in matchmaking but it was the h3 version and did not have all the trick jumps. Very nice job getting this accurate.
Eclipse was the map in matchmaking. That map was a hybrid between Lockout and Blackout but more accurate towards Blackout. Blackout ruined many of the concepts that people loved in Lockout for example: Snipe 1 being a camping spot, not having trick/door frame jumps, removing the gap between BR 1 and bottom mid, being able to jump straight to Sniper spawn, the addition of camping hallway spots in front of shotgun, the addition of unnecessary objects to top mid that ruined original line-of-sight and the gravity lift shooting you outward instead of upward/outward. The one in matchmaking wasn't the greatest with framerate, scale, or jumps with there being a couple areas with z-fighting, a lift that failed very often, trick/door frame jumps that took more jumps then necessary, sniper tower feeling too big, and line-of-sight feeling awkward looking from BR tower to sniper, and Sniper to grav lift(grav lift being too high up in the air).
From what I can tell this map looks extremely impressive. I am not the guy to pitch Halo exact remakes to (not saying that you are, only that I dont love halo, it's complicated) but I have to say the craftsmanship of this and the accuracy is astonishing. making a map in forge is hard enough, but a remake of this caliber must have been infuriating. Well done with this.
I really wish I was around in Halo 2 glory days, I joined Halo PC when 3 came out.. But I've seen other versions of this, used the same pieces, but didn't have any good jump ups , and there was a purple color FX. this one is clean and "pretty sexy"
Looks like the best Lockout remake I have seen as far as attention to detail goes, but the 2 years of building makes it sound like you worked on it every day. I hate when people do that. You couldn't have picked a much worse time to release it, considering the fileshare blackout and H4 being right around the corner.
I used my words carefully. I have been working on concepts for this map for 2 years. This version was made in 5/6 days. The fileshare system is going to be released this summer and when Halo 4 comes out, I will be remaking my concept there as well.
Yes this is a remake of Halo 2's Lockout. When maps are forged they use different concepts and pieces to fit everything together. Over the years I've been working through concepts to include accuracy and framerate. An example of a bad concept is using railings for every outline of a map or making an area to big in scale with no cover. People use different concepts to make maps even if they're remaking the same map.
I guess... If that's what makes you feel original in building the most rebuilt forged map ever then ok. Lockout was a great map in H2, but come on dude. Move on. Don't remake it in H4, let some other scrub do that. If anything, I think your 'concept' of blocking off forge world with coliseum walls is a little weird, though I'm sure you must think it helps with framerate. This is definitely a great remake and like others have said, your attention to detail is great. Walking around the map definitely brought back old memories. Is this map compatible with a variety of settings? Or do we have to play some throwback gametype to get the tac jumps right?
Just because it is the most rebuilt forgemap doesn't mean that it has been built right or faithful to the original. The coliseum walls do help with framerate and they help limit glare when you're looking towards top grav. This map is compatible for all gametypes except for invasion but you must change Player Speed, Jump Height, and Player Gravity.
Show me another remake that feels and plays like the original, that has a smooth 16+ player splitscreen framerate, and that has over 2 years worth of concept put into it for jumps, scale, line-of-sight and gametype support.
There are several; most notably Eclipse. Really though, even though this looks decent, Lockout has been done to death.
If I would like to play Lockout, I could go into Halo 2 and play Lockout. We are talking about Reach, the worst Halo game ever, no matter how much time and effort you may have put into this remake, it will never feel like Lockout. I respect every forger out there, but out of all the things someone could forge, a remake is the poorest choice in my opinion. All you have to do, is to take someone elses design of a map, and rebuild it as close as possible. I agree that that may be hard with the resources given. But at the end of the day, you had nothing else to think about rather than deciding which pieces you want to use. Sure, this is the best lockout remake I've seen in Reach, but it's still a remake.
Quit saying you spent two years on the map when you do that it's almost like you say you have been working on it for two years. Tbh if you were the map would have been released a looong time ago. Most of the time people say they have been working on their maps for a long time usually a good amount of time is spent dicking around. As for spending two years on concept? How much concept do you need for a map already published Sure the map looks good but you sure are doing a bit of over-exajurrating (probely spelt that wrong )
I haven't seen any other Lockout that focuses on framerate, jumps, and scale. Eclipse was a hybrid of Blackout and Lockout, not a pure Lockout remake. Areas of Eclipse were disproportional to the rest of the map such as the view from Snipe to Grav Lift and the size of Sniper tower. Eclipse's Grav lift failed consistently and most of its jumps were not accurate to Lockout and were not fluent with player motion nor gameplay. As I said before, I have not seen any Lockout remake that is almost completely faithful to the original like the one I give you now. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Have you played this map? Have you tested it with 8+ people? No? Well I have and many other people would disagree with your statement. This feels and plays like Lockout. I agree that Halo Reach is one of the worse Halo games released but that doesn't mean that we can't find something enjoyable in it or recreate a similar past game experience. People remake maps to bring back past experiences and there's nothing wrong with that. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Like I said, I have been working on concepts for 2 years. Whenever I went back to my latest version I would think of how it could be better and I would try re-forging it or I would edit it. Just because I wasn't working on it or releasing nw versions constantly doesn't mean that I wasn't thinking of or working with my concepts. I am not over-exaggerating. Most of the time when I was in forge, I would work with my concept. I do play MLG and matchmaking with my community but whenever my Lockout was mentioned, the first thing I would do was go into forge and see how I could redesign it. Making Lockout was not easy. Many times in redoing my concept I would run out of budget or realize there was a design flaw. Designing Lockout was a learning process for me and I did work on it more than you'd think.
How does that apply to my statement? Different game, different weapons, different feeling. I'm not very experianced in such things, but as far as I heard, a dildo feels and plays a lot like a *****, yet it is not. I have to agree with that one. Sure, everyone can forge whatever he wants to forge. But you go around here and constantly brag that you worked on this for 2 years. You have spent 2 years, copying someone elses idea. You have spent 2 years, that you could have used to create your own map. Here's something for you to think of: Spoiler This is an Mercedes SL300 and a Mercedes Benz SLS AMG, the SLS AMG is based off the SL300, it shares the gull wing doors for example. Yet they imroved it, to make it up to date. You on the other hand, took a SL300 and put the SLS AMG engine in it, hoping for the SL300 to be able to handle it ..