This. If I still had Halo 3/live/an xbox I'd play; at it's peak in like 2008/9 H3 was the ****. I miss the community then, those were great times.
Halo Reach hardly felt like halo to me. Its good, but feels like its own game and franchise. It's just called "Reach" not Halo Reach. I prefer Halo 3.
I don't get some of the hate for Reach. I mean sure, it has its flaws and maybe Bungie made some bad decisions with it. But the good outweighs the bad. I don't see how it's a disgrace to the franchise; I see it as a new playstyle. Dealwithit.jpg
Halo 3 was my all time favourite game, my and my friends always laughed and had fun, then we heard of reach and we were so excited, we bought it and played it. We play Halo 3 for years, we played reach for days. Reach was an awful adition to the series and it ruined Halo 3. I'd love to go back, get some friends who agree and play custom games because that is what halo is to me, a game of friends, not random onliners..
I am currently playing Halo 3. I've recently made two maps and one is in the Review Hub. I'm also trying to get Halo 3 up and running again.
*Thunder**Screeching Cat**Crying Baby* Weird, that always happens when I show back up... ANYWAY. I honestly was never a fan of Halo 3 to begin with. I didn't like the removal of proper Arbiter levels (one of the greatest features ever in H2), the nerf to the Needler, the lack of boss fights, the sheer lack of Elites, the nerf to Legendary diffuculty, or many many other things. I was psyched for Reach, convinced all my problems would be fixed. BR? Gone. SMG? Gone. Brute Shot? Gone. Dual Weilding? Gone. And what do I get in their place? A crappy leveling system, a piss-easy and lackluster campaign, and multiple elements that seem to be ripped straight from CoD. I especially hate weapons like the Focus Rifle, and the all-around dumbing down of the game. The community also feels much less inviting than Halo 3's ever was. Attempts at teamwork in MM are laughed at or insulted by various people who don't even sound old enough to buy the game, it's impossible to actually meet anyone FRIENDLY through the game, and the lag is MUCH worse than anything I ever saw in Halo 3. All around? I hate them both. *Goes to play Halo 2*
Halo 3 was the greatest time on xbox I have ever had. This really made me think how much I miss it but I guess sometimes you just have to move on. I will definitely be getting a few friends on halo for old time sake but I don't think we can bring it back like it used to be. Hopefully this new halo will bring our good times back too.
I agree. Someone here said "lackluster campaign".... REALLY? long night of solace? lone wolf? breaking back into sword base? new alexandria? Taking down the tower on spire? So many awesome moments in my mind... I know I'll get some hate responses but I think the halo reach campaign is my favorite so far.
I think people are heavily guided by the fact that it's not the MC story, and as such they find it unengaging. For my part, I agree with you. I think the Reach campaign was a return to form in terms of atmosphere after Halo 2 and 3. My campaign preference goes CE > ODST > Reach > H2 > H3. CE was just amazing, nuff said. ODST was a beautiful art style and atmosphere, Halo Noir was an awesome idea and I think they pulled it off very well, the closest they came to recapturing that lone wolf feeling of CE as well. H2 was awesome in its own way, like a 90s action movie, fun to play and watch with some awesome one liners, but the atmosphere wasn't as refined imo. H3 was just...blegh, utterly bland imo. It tried to be epic but just ended up losing character in the process, easily the worst imo. Reach fits right in the middle for me, not as good as ODST or CE but a great last stand by Bungie to make something atmospheric, even artistic, as well as engaging. Definitely a deviation, but with the different story line that needed to happen, and it worked for me.