i got magefist and some belt. but they dont fit my dex'd out monk. lvl 33 and ive got 600dps the passive that adds all dex to armor rocks, i have like 1300 armor even though im wearing splint cuirass.
Yeah, I use that passive, in addition to the passive that gives you health for spending spirit. I have a bunch of spirit gen gear so all I do is spam skills to heal and it makes that one beam of light healing skill recover you to full health pretty much no matter what.
I kept getting D/Ced for a while, and I eventually was told to join General chat - fixed it and was able to play for like an hour or two nonstop. Level 22 DH. My friends boosted me (they were all 20s when I was only level 8 - went from level 8 - 12 in like an hour or so.) I only do about 112 Damage, which I consider pretty low. Once I get about level 24 it should go up a bit. I have 60 Dex Boots and some other things.
anyone else buying gems at the auction house? they're dirt cheap there. Lvl 33 DH, a little ways into the first act on nightmare.
The gem pages in the Auction House NEVER load for me... I just started Hell difficulty but I've been waiting for my friend to catch up. With my three friends, we give one person all the blues and rares we don't need to salvage to raise one person to the highest Blacksmithing and give all the gems to me. (Skill pages and tomes are distributed are also distributed accordingly.)
I tried to buy a bunch of cheap gems and it kept timing out. Maybe I'll log on tomorrow and it'll glitch and give me 60 for the price of 25 lol. Also there are some major rumors going around about some character name hack that allows people to get on an individual character of your and rob you. Haven't looked into their too much because I'm playing solo, but be careful of public games and chat guys. Apparently they don't even have to bypass the authentication or anything.
the first time i bought a bunch of gems they wouldn't transfer to my stash until the third or fourth buy; now i have a bunch of extra squares i can't use
I hope they weren't trying to f with the gem economy because they're annoyed about the money making potential surrounding them. I'm really hating Blizz a bit for their major focus on the RMAH Furthermore: the weapon system in this game is stupid and bothers me more and more as I try to design my build. Gamespot used it was one of only two of their negative points in their review, but gave the game an 8.5. I guess they hate it more than I do lol.
That a wizards best weapon is a two hander lol. It's stupid. There are very, very minuscule benefits to using a wand on a wiz. Does it piss anyone else off that they keep hotfixing the crap out of everything that's viable for inferno? Every time I start to direct my character into a certain direction, they hotfix it. Critical Mass isn't even glitched, it's entirely intended yet they must have oversighted how effective it was going to be and now they're going to hotfix that too. Bastards just want you to buy **** on the RMAH.
FFS! I was sarcastically bitching about them nerfing CM and the bastards did! THE SKILL WORKED AS INTENDED HOLY ****! I'm really thinking about switching chars.
You know, I might have to. Crits wasn't even OP..it was just OP against Diablo because his cold res was too low. Raise it and problem solved.