Download Chaos Theatre Chaos Theatre is, yet again, a symmetrical map, designed for competitive play revolving around MLG rule sets. It's currently set up for 3Flag & Slayer. If the maps get a good reception, bomb & ball will probably be added. I've put a hell of a lot of time into this map, not just forging, but testing, and attacking members of forums for hours to give me a decent amount of feedback. The one thing I really struggled in with this map is closing down lines of sights, and keeping the map intact, without wrecking key areas. Each point of the map has several areas in which you can move to, this will hopefully keep the game rolling & not leave one team at a disadvantage if they get all four down, they can move from the spawn without being completely trapped. Plans for v2 - Colour labels for the map (Pink tower / Gold tower) - Extra floor to each base (Unsure about this, thoughts?) - Raise sniper spawn to same height & remove teleports - Add bomb & ball game types - Add more to gold (the smaller) tower to create more routes of entry / escape & cover I really want to make a successful map, so any feedback you grace upon me is greatly appreciated, good or bad! Photos (Used the Photobucket mass up loader so I have no idea what order these are in, hence no labels) Download Chaos Theatre Special thanks to - Aftershock - Just ViRtue - Just Velocity - The Harvski - Paulus 19 - iRwaggy - DimzSA - Struj - Generic - Barley - iTz G1NG4 & Everybody else who I (unfortunately) have forgotten right now but gave me feedback & helped me create this! Mumbles
Coloured respawn points? i've never found this approach to work, as, when a base is being spawn pwnd, they will continue to spawn in these locations. i would change them up for neutral ones, and apply respawn zones to appropriately weight the spawn system to the bases in a manner that doesnt force spawn camping, maybe with a combo of respawn zones.