This is the new slightly updated version of my competitive 1v1 map Juxer and I made in Forge. The original map was posted here. Creators: Juxer - AMidgetAndAClub Testers: Juxer - AMidgetAndAClub - Wes2000 - GH - Micha is Cool - Thizz (if I forgot any testers, I am sorry) Type of Map: Small, symmetrical map meant for competitive 1v1's Game Settings: General MLG player settings. Weapons on Map: - 8 Battle Rifles (30 second respawn) - 4 Carbines (60 second respawn) - 8 Fragmentation Grenades (30 second respawn) - 4 Plasma Grenades (45 second respawn) - 1 Mauler w/ 5 shots (3 minute respawn) Map Description: This is a small symmetrical map meant for competitive 1v1's. (2v2's might work, but they would be fast and hectic.) It will give you the feel of the MLG Warlock 1v1's of Halo 2. Although it does have that feel of Warlock, it is it's own map. It is smaller then Warlock, and only consists of 2 bases and 2 side platforms. We strongly suggest you play this map only with another person of equal skill to you. Otherwise the person of more skill will walk all over you. This is the first version of this map. And since it's release at 3pm (PST) on 5/15, it has had 147 downloads off of (255 currently), and 21 perfect ratings (33 currently). We have had nothing but stellar reviews about this map. The only issue some people have had with it, is the invisibility and the spawns. Which was now taken out and replaced with a Mauler. The Mauler has no reloads at all. And the spawns are now less predictable. Spawn killing is a little more difficult as well. The map is still being tested and we would love some more feedback. Thank you. Here is what some other people had to say: ( ( ( ( ( ( But don't take mine or anyone else's word for it. Download it and try it yourself. And please leave some feedback. We even have some videos of gameplay of our very own Wes2000 testing out the maps geometry with it's main creator, Juxer. Archetype v1 - Wes2000 approved!!! ^^^NO INVIS ANYMORE!!!^^^ Get your very own copy of the map here! Click here to see Wes2000 take on Juxer on Archetype V1!!! Click here to see Wes2000 take on Thizz ^^^Wes' 5th gameplay of this map! He really likes it!!!^^^ A bunch of gameplays from Wes2000's P.O.V. can be downloaded here. Contacts: AMidgetAndAClub: AIM - omega02379 Juxer: AIM - juxer likes boys
This map looks pretty gd fun, glad u removed the camo. (MAULERS AND CAMO...WERE U MAD!! ) u got my dl
Wasn't planning on releasing it today, but I was given the go ahead that it was ready. I will take more pictures tonight if I get a chance. No, I swapped Camo for the Mailer. I'm not THAT crazy,
4.5/5 This map looks like a really great small size map. I have been needing to get more small arena type maps and any map that remind me of Warlock is a must download. To me this is a great MLG styled map, really nice use of interlocking and excellent placement of scenery. It all seems to go together really smoothly without much of a hitch, given I haven't seen it in person I have watched the Wes2000 vs Thizz video. It really looks great, certainly seems inspired by Warlock, and even seems to have elements of Foundation in it. Now there's only two things I would suggest you did to this map, with the side areas I think you should have added waste high border guard type things with fences or bridges, something that would look good and give a small amount of cover. I'd say fences would look really nice around most of the edge areas, only the two opposite sides with the A and B signs, not the sides with the tall bridges. Also, the spawning, it seems as though you can influence where the opponent spawns by simply standing where you killed them and they will spawn the opposite side, though this would be hard to fix I think if you added more spawn points that might help. There isn't really to much else to say, I really LOVE this map. This map and maps like it are great in my opinion, we need more of them. I think this would be great if it was converted into a bigger version for some good 2v2 -3v3 matches. However I still love this design. Excellent work Juxer and AMidgetAndAClub, I really love this. I can't wait to play on it with some friends =D Oh and one last thing, Twenty Two NS is online
WOW, that was an awesome review. I am currently trying to solve the spawning issue. I took out the "easiest to be spawn killed" spawns. The only other option I have is to make them different on each side. The only other problem with adding cover to the sides is it very quickly becomes too much cover on the map period. The size of the map actually negates the amount of cover. Once I added it (even tho it is only a small amount) it became a cluttered looking map. And unfortunately the design of the middle area enhances that effect. The good thing about the lack of cover is the way it forces you to use more parts of the map. Rather then staying at one base or staying at top mid. The only way one can stay in one area is if they are utterly destroying the other person. Which then kills the purpose of this map, which is to be played by equally skilled players and enhancing the equality of the match.
this map looks good but it still could use a little more pics and update them as well. good luck but i cant give it a good reveiw if i cant see the rest of the map
Looks cool but i think you could use more pics but i will still DL and play. Because it looks like foundation with a better middle part.
This map looks wonderful! nice small arena style and excellent design, that just about wraps everything up. Terrific job!
Thanks for the comments people. Hopefully once V2 comes out, we will be able to figure out the correct setings for V3. Which I hope is the final. This way I can get to work on my KotH map.
I totally agree with that statement. This is an amazing map with good interlocking, nice map layout, good placement of weapons. I cant wait to go 1v1 with someone on it.
This map put interlocking to a really good use. I played a 1v1 on this map last night, and it was pretty fun. The only thing I would change is the stairs: every time I tried to walk down them, I involuntarily jump a little. I think this is because the top of the stairs were slightly higher than the platform I was standing on. Because of this problem, I was prevented from jumping from the stairs to the adjacent platform, which was a little annoying. Other than that, this map is really nice. It's interesting that you used exploding fusion coils as a background noise.
YES! Someone finally understood that. We are currently testing using ramps other then stairs as well. If that doesn't work out, the stairs are going to get reworked. Id anyone has played both versions so far, please let me know what you did and did not like as far as changes or anything in general. Thanks FH!