Hello, I'm not a forger and i want to start forging, but I can't so can someone give me forge lessons on invasion. comment on your gamertag and time you can do it on.
Few who truly know the inner workings of invasion will be willing to go through the hours needed to really explain it. My best suggestion is you play with good invasion players an play on/ look at good invasion maps, both from Bungie and the community. Psychoduck and I know a good amount, but those from The Halo Forge Epidemic and The Halo Wheelmen are experts. A big part of this is learning it yourself through playing and trying to make your own maps. In the end there is only so much you can learn from others, so starting up and working to understand the game type is important. This should give you a good idea of how invasion works, and This explains the mechanics of actually setting up an Invasion map. They are long reads but will set you off to a good start in the world of Invasion.
If you want to learn more about the required labels and settings for the gametype and all, you should also check out MrYourWilly's tutorials. They're detailed, thorough, easy to understand and cover a wide range of the specific gametype, in this case Invasion. Spoiler Tutorial Menu - YouTube I sent you this video so you can also watch some of his other tutorials if you want, which can be very helpful since you mentioned to be a beginning forger. If you already want to go for the Invasion tutorials, just click on "Gametypes" and you'll find it.