I have been increasingly interested in web design and things you can use PS for. So I made a very simple and clean button mouseover with my name. CnC? [mouseoverimage=http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/1272/buttonsigpressed.png]http://img862.imageshack.us/img862/4338/buttonsigunpressed.png[/mouseoverimage] V2 with texture [mouseoverimage=http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/1272/buttonsigpressed.png]http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/4338/buttonsigunpressed.png[/mouseoverimage]
More technical than CnC but the effect starts before your mouse actually touches the button. You need to make the borders of the image tightly cushion the image.
Interesting, one thing that could be cool is selecting all the layers that you worked with, or just the blue slide pattern and apply drop shadow Fx so it seen that the button is made directly into the forge hub page. Maybe you should now link it to something?
This. But you should make the mouse over make the button become highlighted, and the mouse click to make the button actually get pushed in... If that makes any sense. I like the textured one better, But depending on how the site is that you would be using this with, the first one would probably look smoother.
Well this is just exploring with some concepts apart from sig-making and such. I have no plan to make a website or anything, I'm just using this to grow my skills in PS for whatever I might need them. And here in FH you can only do mouseover images, I would make a regular, mouseover and then pressed image but I would have to make it into a GIF and you wouldn't see how it works in reality... I have no knowledge of web publishing or anything so I wouldn't be able to show it fully :/