this map looks awesome! perfect interlocking and ultra creative idea. nice job very cool! looks like an awesome design i don't think anyone's done anything quite like this before excellent job!
Whoa! This looks incredible! You have built an incredibly good looking map, Yet again. I'm am absolutely going to download this and give it a shot.. I have but one question.. The defending team that starts in the "ship" they can not exit the ship but must protect the territories from within the ship? If that is so, Then this just got a whole hell of a lot more fun and hard at the same time. Keep up the good work Matty.
Play tests were a lot of fun with this map because you really need teamwork with this one. During the games I played I was thinking wow this needs a little extra but I can't put my finger on it. Adding a second floor and firebombs put it over the top for me! That adds the missing touch I think this map needed. Great idea and a very well made map!
its finally out, man u took a while, lolz not really, i think that there may be a few things that need to get worked out since you released so quickly, but i dont know til i try this badboy out...dling now
Thanks man, Thanks, i havnt seen this style of map made before. Its a hell of alot of fun. Because i forge quickly then there must be some flaws? Worst assumtion ever. They cant exit the ship. All of the territories are in plane sight. It may look like the attackers dont have cover, but in actual fact they have the advantage. Thanks. It is forged to the highest accuracy. Its the most challenging thing i have done yet.
wow, so sorry, i think you took that way out of context, but ya, it was an assumption, I'm not going to think to myself though, oh hey, its by Matty, the journalist/ it has to be amazing, even though it took so little time, that would yet again be an assumption, so either way im screwed eh? i'll take the test it out, then give actual opinion of map route...
Wow this was released already I thought it was not coming out for a few days well it was defiantly a blast to test and will be on my hard drive for months.
Im sorry if i sounded a bit offensive there. Yes it was a quick map, but bear in mind i had already worked out the technique for making the sphere. I knew exactly what to do, and had it done in a few hours. Then i set it up for a game, tested it a few times, made changes, tested again, made changes, tested again... You get the picture. This morning i made some small tweaks, and we tested and eventually it played fault free. There were no problems, nothing needed improving, so i released it.
allright, thanks for the elaboration, ya, u sounded a bit offensive there, lolsauce, but no hard feelings
Looks really great Matty, once again.... *forgasm* Anyway, this doesn't look like the screenshots you showed us a while back...was this a side project? If so, I can't wait for the map your might have in the works. You've probably heard this already, but you take forging to the next level and are probably the most talented forger here at the moment.