Well on Friday night I came up with the idea of playing a gametype on MLG Sanctuary to 100 with a few friends but then this happend... Halo with Friends Episode 2: FFA Sniper/DMR on MLG Sanc choke!!! - YouTube I hate you Sinless, and my brother for deciding to go out in the open like that.
I was literaly about to throw my ****ing controller at a wall after 31 minutes of back and forth leads with Sinless I was pissed.
Lol, that last few seconds of the game was intense, we were basically screaming at the top of our lungs. Man, I sucked balls at the last 5 min of the game, I was using a stradegy called playing like Galvin.
Why the hell would you allow someone to spawn with a sniper?!?!? Anyways your not to bad with it but you kept trying for the noscopes you only hit one.i think no scoping is not your thing lol
[br][/br]Edited by merge: I was all like dayum. @waterfall well its just all about no scopes huh'? im better at quickscopes anyway. @LD<3 whatevs