THis has been done a few times in the past, with out the conveyer belt, its just not Elongation. Map looks pretty good though, very well made, a bit of interlocking would be nice.
hey the seej don't triple post also a great remake of a classic map i just saw warlock remake also very well done great job for your first map
There are problems with a working conveyer belt people. It would be too small and quite tricky to make. This is a nice remake and I like how you put the Halo 3 and Halo 2 map together in the first picture.
BTW its Tuesday night and me and my buddies are gonna be playin custom games around 9pm pacific time. Add "The DarknighT" to your live friends list if you wanna play some games!
ok i went through the map alone, focusing primarily on breaking out of the map (which i did). i noticed you walled off one of the places where i could have made it out, but the second area- the ceiling above the second floor on the base side of foundry- was not walled off. used the brute shot to break out. this could also be done with the radar jammer or a grenade, so i suggest you fix that. next, i noticed the weapons were well balanced, but you may have overstocked just a little bit. maybe take one weapon from each side.. idk. grenades were fine but you should make the flame grenade so there is only one and not two spawning next to each other because it is very powerful compared to the others, and overuse of them in forging the map can cause some complaints or just unfair plays. last thing i saw was your forging technique. it was very good in most parts, although the ramps could have been interlocked. try to take more time placing the objects and interlocking. it makes the gameplay smoother and the asthetics look better. remember, this is all from playing a single-player game, so these opinions may be wrong when you play with multiple players. -knight
Downloaded this and played on it for a little, unfortunately I was pretty displeased with this map. It took some serious liberties with the original level design, had some rather sloppy parts to it, and was much wider then the original level. Read the advanced forging techniques and see if u cant come up with an even better v2.
LOL-KA-BOB triple poster! hahaha, anyways, i thoroughly enjoyed those side-by-sides, this looks like one of the best remakes ive seen so far! Its just too bad that the crates can't move :-(
Thanks for the review of the map dood! I agree with the fire nades ... i think ill really bump up the respawn time on em or only have 2 fire nades on the map instead of 4.