Kernal By: SecretSchnizel and Overkill XL The base idea for this map was born back in early March when I was reading a article about flow by Noklu over at ReachingPerfect (shame on me, I know). Anyhow, I had brought up that he should right an article about cyclincal flow and how a map can utiliyze it. Kernal was a map I designed around this concept. The center of the map has a counter-clockwise movement, while the outside flows in a clockwise movement. Additionally there is a jet pack placed in both bases to allow players to break from the intended movement pattern. The name "Kernal" was chosen because of the cenral tower which gives a power core sort of aesthetic. There are four walkways extending from the central structure which are meant to be power couplings of sorts. This map features a very delicate balance of open cross-map line of sight and segregation. From any position on the map, the individual player has a view of no more than 1/6th of the map at any point, and even at that there are still further obscurities to work around. No position is overly powered or game breaking, although there are certainly positions you want to hold. The design is intended to encourage team work through positioning and communication. You can't lone wolf on this map and expect to win. The more prominant line of sight segregation on the map is from the bases. The bases are obsucred from a large section of the map, however, they are also extremely vulnerable. The basements are fairly exposed to the rest of the ground level or the map and easy to access. The second floor enterances are wide and angled in a way so that attacking players can easily pie open the door with a tactical enterance. Further more, there is a cross map line of sight that exposes the doors of the base to the opposing team's base. Segregation is also created by the central "core" structure and the large walkway pieces extending from it. These pieces not only break up Line of Sight and offer cover, but they also force players to move and work around them to get line of sight to various other portions of the map. It really pushes a team to work to gether and position themselves dynamicly in order to control the map. This map also strongly promotes the use of the jet pack. There is a jet pack that spawns in each base, set to a min/max of 1 with a respawn of 1second. This causes the JP to respawn as soon as the previous user's body disapears. The JP's are vital to control as they allow the player to move contrary to the promoted movement flow. To allow a team to control both JP's is devastating... Utilize and protect your JP! Needless to say, this map is not intended for play with defualt settings. The Arena settings which lacks the JP Loadout is ideal, but any game type with out a JP loadout is fine. The spawn system utilized by this map is semi-static in Slayer (full static in symertical objective). There is a weak team influence on both sides of the maps set to the respective teams that forces players to spawn across the map if their side is over run. Additionally, there is a neutral respawn zone in the center where players can spawn. Players are most likely to spawn in their base before they will in the center, and will spawn on the opposing side if neither of those areas are viable (according to the game engine). Weapons on the map are the standard. Four DMRs, two Needle Rifles, two Needlers, two Plasma Pistols, two Snipers, one grenade luancher as well as grenades. Additionally there are four health packs, two jet packs, and a Over Sheild power up. Kernal supports all game types except for race. Yes, it was even set up for Infection for all you Zombie lovers out there. tl;dr? Here's a preview video for you slaggers. Forge Universal: Kernal (Teaser Trailer) - YouTube
I had alot of fun playing on this , Gameplay is amazing , map is looking great and the Assembly feeiling is present on this map ! Did you worked on the sniper spawn ? Mopst of the player didint notice there was a sniper there .
Another good looking map for the count. You seem to have your layouts down pretty well. I'll get a good look at this as soon as I get on at home.
I didn't really enjoy playing this tbh. I was a little confused by the layout and the aesthetics didn't help much either.
I still really question only having two ways up to the 3rd floor I know you're trying to promote jetpack use but it just feels way to removed from the rest of the map in my opinion. This isn't a bad map, but certainly not one of your better designs. In all I'm much more excited to see a polished version of your rat's nest re-imagining.
GTFO Troll. You came into ONE game and sat in the base trying to break out of it. You had zero kills and did absolutely nothing aside from trying to break out of the map. There's a reason why you got booted after the game ended. @ Atlas: I understand your reason for disliking the third level. It does break a fundamental rule of map design, but it also plays out damn well as the position is no where near as powerful as you think it is. And if we didn't break a map design rule or two every now and then, we wouldn't have much creativity in designs... There have been plenty of great designs with limited routes to a power position, Lock Out most prominanty comes to mind. We've got two routes to the third level, three plus if you include Jet Pack. Thing is, this map brings a very unique plaz style to the game. As for -Drive.... We've rehauled the bases and increased the dancefloor between them. Should be a much more enjoyable experience tonight. @ Every one else: Thanks for the comments. Glad you guys like it. To DL the map, search for the tags: "bpkernal" or "kernal". Cheers.
Oops, I never got around to looking at this in forge. I'll have to do that soon... This does look nice, though. The Assembly influences are rather clear, and it looks like flow and whatnot should work very well. the aesthetics are a bit lacking, but that's not really what matters anyway, is it? Hit me up for some games on here, man.
I'm pretty sure this is ecstasy in map form. I admire the use of Large Braces and Walkways, and the way you used the small bunker was pretty ThirteenThirtySeven.
You misspelled "kernel," FYI. I was going to tell you that the day you exploded on the lobby based on hearing imaginary insults to your map, but obviously never got a chance to. The map plays pretty well and I dig the Warlock inspiration (that's a joke, Schnitzel. Calm down). In fact, the only real problem I have with it is the LoS from base-to-base. It isn't that I dislike longer LoS, but on this map they just don't work for me. Most people seemed to hang out in their base instead of pressing into more dangerous territory, looking out from either entrance and firing at anyone who tried to leave the other base. The sniper rifles being so close by sort of promoted this tactic even more. Sight-lines like these work on maps like Zealot because the perimeter of the map can be walked around without dropping down, but here it just makes it harder to push up and flank because all of the routes to the bases consolidate into one area, where a team holed up in their base can make short work of you. I don't think you should block these LoS entirely, but kicking back in your base should be a less viable tactic than it is now. name blows chunks. Just thought I'd let you know. Also, putting "From the maker of 'Select'" into the video was not a good idea. Didn't you get a lot of hate mail, lol? The bottom level of the map seems consistently flat..Idk though..Just a thought. Also, waddup with the music in the vid? My screams from jumping off my 5th story balcony would sound better than that ****. Kidding aside (and yes I was just poking fun, even though it looks like I'm not) the map looks solid and I'm sure it provides great game play. If I ever manage to get on XBL, hit me up, man. I'd like to give it a go.
Yeah Lynx, sorry 'bout that... i rage a lot. Its a personal issue I'd rather not explain here, but you'd understand why I fly off the handel sometimes if you knew. I'm thinking Core might be a better name. Kernel just sounded wittier... I dunno. Kicking back in the base isn't a viable tactic at all though. The bases are very easy to flush out. If anything, I would consider removing the Sniper to make it even less so.... Or swapping it with the needle rifle. I didn't make the video. Once again, thanks for the responses guys.
Very well placed as to avoid light seems, appealing clean textures, tall aesthetics as opposed to a bunch of cramped random rooms, nice little touches, appears to have phenomenal frame rate, and an original layout. I've never played on this map but it is very impressive and you thought of a lot of details that most people over look. Great map, love it.
Search Onslaught. There are at least four I saw already on Forge Hub. Kernal isn't bad, at least it hasn't been used a lot. Them map itself looks interesting, I'm glad to see more asymmetric 4 v. 4's coming out. So far what I've seen from your general group Schnitzel (Atlas, SaltyKoala, Career) there is a lot of good stuff on the way.
It's actually pretty cool that some people don't know about Onslaught. Rejoice! The map plays CTF really well and plays Slayer pretty decently, although I think the dynamic spawns will bug some players. I'm with Atlas about the 3rd level bridges only having two ways up to them. I know there's no cover up there, but maybe you could have two hard routes and two tac jumps up there? I don't really like the base to base LoS, but that is a personal preference (isn't everything?). It feels like it's only there because you overlooked the possibility of it being there, like it just kind of turned out to be that way instead of you purposefully designing the map that way. I know I mentioned I didn't really like the walkway larges. I like their purpose and the LoS they block, but they look out of place to me.* You gotta remember to turn on super shields in your gametypes dude, because it really helps nerf the OS. I would just create a 'Kernal' gametype with the super shields turned on.