I've had an account here for a few months now, but I didn't really start using these forums until a few days ago. I like to build Invasion and Capture the Flag maps, and my current Grade is Colonel. I'm 12 years old, and I like to mountain bike, run play basketball, and Forge. ~ Cheers
Why hello nubby as you've expressed yourself I should do the same. I'm waterfall.i run several groups here(trying to get that reduced to only one)I am 15 sixteen at the beginning of September.i am an artist and a writer.i forge a lot and a a very social person therefore I am a co-forge *****.
Holy ****, 12 years old.. Anyway, welcome! I think I might have told you to get lost one time, idk..Your name looks familiar.
Thanks guys! My brother used to spam the chat, that's why you told "me" to get lost. Sky, I remember you told me how to take screenshots, that was a great help! Anyways, thanks for the warm welcomes, need to get back to making maps. ^_^ - XD
And now I feel old... welcome, kiddo. I'm new to the Forums too, name's Rumble. Working on my first map as I type! Get Forging, dude!