Download Epicenter Download Gametype Defend the covenant ship against human attackers! Epicenter is a hugely tactical map, based around a central covenant ship. The defenders are trapped inside, and must defend the territories outside from the attackers. Both teams must use excellent team co-ordination and tactical play to become sucessful and capture the ship once and for all! The attackers are using a range of firepower to capture the territory. The defenders fight fire with fire. The warthog is a very effective transport vehicle. Turrets can prove very helpful for the defenders, but will make you vulnerable. Use the walls as cover, and co-ordinate your team well to be successful. Its a good tactic to spread your team out over many territories. The defenders have 2 floors to rain death onto thier enemies. The attackers will spawn at both sides of the map. The defenders are equiped with a whole range of weapons. Be ready. Flame grenades are very useful at deterring attackers The floor of the interior The roof of the interiour
Smells like ultimate mini-game win-ness. Once again, you are a machine. ---------------------------------------------------- Positive: - Its actually really fun to be both the attackers AND the defenders, which is always a good thing. I've found that one or the other can get stale in some gametypes. - Your forging skills take a jump forward every time you post something. - Weapon balance is excellent as always. - Teamwork is actively encouraged and needed. So if you decide to go it alone you get punished. Negative: - Its nothing major, but when you're inside the sphere i found it slightly irritating shooting out when there was a few people inside trying to shoot out the same slit (if you know what i mean) ... but its a mini-game, so its not mega important. - Having to jump at the grav lift to get to the second level annoyed me (but thats just cause i suck at halo, so its no biggie either).
This map was fun to test. Definitely one of the best minigames in awhile. Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeryyyyyyy original.
looks nice i like the way you have done the main structure and built it around it, i like how you can shoot and even throw grenades out and around while staying inside. I will have to check this out and get back to you with my improvments, i am sure i will find atleast one thing to improve
finally, a featureable mini-game! matty, you are constantly improving in all aspects of forge, aesthetics, creativity, precision and of course playability. this map is epic, in every sense of the word (except epic poem) and i can only hope to be as good as you.
hm, not sure. Looks superbly made. ANd as if it could also fit in with the aesthetic maps. I'll dl and have a try.
This is very awesome.I love the sphere and how the members have to work as a team.Once again another great map.
5/5 When testing this map with a few of you guys I was having so much fun, I saw no obvious flaws except for not being able to get up to the second floor inside the ship, but that's hardly much a problem. Sometimes it takes a couple tries but apart from that it's fine. Having sparse cover for the attackers was a really good idea and I remember, when I was attacking trying to through grenades into the ship, -sad face- no grenades, but that's a good thing because it would be such a cheap kill. Having the Active Camo and Overshield was a nice touch that can help turn the tide, and the Warthogs are actually effective means of transport and defence. While I was playing I said to everyone else that this wouldn't be a very good map for anything but this gametype, but then I was reminded that this is a Mini-Game, so for me to forget that this is a Mini-Game while playing is quite an achievement. Usually when playing Mini-Games you notice how cheap and Non-Halo it is but this Mini-Game is definitely an exception. I would not be shocked to see this end up on Bungie Faves, even though Bungie has a horrible sense of taste. Definitely Feature material. I could go on for so much longer but I think people get the idea... If you're reading this and haven't played this map, download it now. Get some friends 8-10 and play this map, lots of fun. Well done Matty
other than the fact that you spelled interior wrong there is nothing wrong with this map and the structure in the center is really well made
The map looks very well interlocked, but doesn't look too fun. For each territory the defenders only get two spots in the little slits to shoot from, so it doesn't look very hard to kill them. And being inside that giant thing in the middle looks sort of annoying, because you can only see out of the little slits, so you would have to have good radar. The mini-game itself is very original though so I'd give it a 3/5 Also, one good tactic for attackers is to drive a warthog up to the territory then get out, and crouch behind you so the defenders cant shoot you and can get the territory
such....origionality.......and.....interlocking to the fullest to make a 0 shape ship... I've found who I will marry (jk) Matty there are no words to describe the amazingness of this map 10/10
What an awesome concept! Definitely got my DL for thi one! What is the capture time on the territories?