this map was made a long time ago but remade into a better version includes interlocking and some inspiration from someone on my old posts it has some teleporters to a high sniper tower merged into foundrys wall 2 interlocked tunnels that seem to be connected but blocked off from eachother only for use of slayer and team slayer or MLG Weapons 1 sniper rifle 3 BR 2 shotgun 1 spartan laser 2 magnums 2 maulers 2 spikers 1 beam rifle 1 flamethrower 2 SMG's 1 AR 1 mongoose 1 bubble 1 deployable cover 1 radar jammer 1 carbine download factory:
iterlocking is ok not enogh pics and it needs more scenery and buildings it is just too bland 4/10 :'( but if you wouldnt mind can you tell me how you made the pics that big cause they dont work for me when i put them on my posts liamjedimaster
0.5/5 As much as I could pick on your for this map I will try my best to hold the flaming back. I don't see any interlocking worth noting, a couple double boxes... You basically need interlocking to get appeal into the FH community. Apart from the very little interlocking, what did you use to cover the map? The cover and apparently no bases is certainly quite apparent, what were you thinking when you made this? The default foundry setup is better then this, and that's saying something. To be honest with you I don't even see a map here... Just a few crates and a truck? Sorry... But there really isn't anything that needs to be said here. This is not as much a map as it is a tutorial of what not to do...
I agree Reynbow... you need to brush up on interlocking and hone your skills. I would reccomend flipping double boxes upside-down so they are flatter. And really, you need more "spice" in maps like this. I see nothing in this map but some boxes and a bridge. I am just giving constructive criticism here, so keep with me. You need more cover and something in your map... this is very blank. And are there even weapons? But, honestly, good attempt for your first (right, ?) map post. Sorry that some users flame instead of trying to help...
C'mon guys take it easy this guy is obviously new to Forgehub/Forging rather than bashing him and verbally abusing him, how about some advice Reynbow did the right thing but then the advice turned into an angry rant Anyways.. Obviosly the map needs work 1.) Start on a new fresh clean foundry 2.) Make sure to have a solid idea of what you want before you begin forging 3.) Make sure all boxes/walls are nice and straight and orderly 4.) When the "skeleton" of the map is done go in and fill it up with spawn points carefully placed and weapons 5.) Test it out and make final adjustments I am looking forward to seeing your next map
Disregarding the distaste of the above, I suggest looking at the current maps that are rated highly and see what makes them so good. I'd love to be helpful and crap, but this is a little hard to be with this post. For an example, in the maps that I made that were stupid/dumb, I don't post them here.
whats the point is this the better version and it looks like you can get out im sorry but im giving this a 1/10 for trying
Reynbow you need to chill out your last couple of posts towards new members have been harsh.. You need to lighten up a bit seriously. I can see what you are talking about though. Sure this map can be improved by interlocking and editing spawns and weapons but this is probably this guy's first map on ForgeHub. You need to lighten up.
your inter locking is a litle slopy but ok i would improve on some of it but i guess its ok i rate it 3/10
Congratulations to the majority of you for being completely harsh and unhelpful to a new member. Expect -rep in the post, and change your ways, hm?
If you like the platforms and stairs then keep it, but you need to fill in the areas around it. Add some walls, some restraints around the map. Try putting areas of cover on the platforms. Do something different!
Unifinished, sloppy, and no good interlocking. If you put some effort into it though maybe you could make it half-decent.
Dude, I am sorry. Don't think this is how everyone here is... people are just really harsh on maps. But once you get some skills down, they are great. And I agree with nemi, I would pull apart some popular (featured) maps and see what makes them so good. It is mainly originality. Also a great display of forging skill.