People in Matchmaking...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by That Scorch Guy, May 7, 2012.

  1. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    So I just came out of an Action Sack Shotty Snipes game with my friend; it was us, two randoms who wouldn't talk, and a full team of inheritors. Game opens with a laggy mess, they end up winning (it would have been sad if they didn't), and we all go home. Cept they decided to spam me with messages, the first kid saying I should 1v1 him cause he's like the best in Super Slayer, the second screaming at me for lagswitching and cheating, swearing on me a console ban. I've proceeded to outwit guy number one; he hasn't spoken in a while, and guy number two is CONVINCED I'm cheating. He's determined to have me console banned for his bad connection; and it's almost humorous to see what he's done so far. His bio even screams that he likes to report "lag switching n00bs". In action sack...

    This kind of thing is why I don't talk to the matchmaking community at large.

    So, anyone else had similar experiences?

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Nope, just point out to him that it's more likely that his **** connection is the problem if he's doing this constantly, and notify the Xbox Live Services or whatever about him, be sure to report him for threatening, etc. For the record, this probably belongs in a blog post, but I won't get pushy over it for fear of being infracted.
  3. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Tis why I added in the "Anyone have similar experiences?" as a topic for discussion; I didn't want to make this a simple rant. I muted both these guys, and I'm considering a report but I dunno if it's worthy of anything. Possibly, as his bio suggests he does this frequently...

    But either way, I don't like these people. I've seen them a few times and frankly it's kinda silly in my eyes. So yeah, anyone else deal with any sort of behavior like this online and wanna talk about it? I guess I should have made that more clear.
  4. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    Idiots are all over the place. You can either ***** about them, or ignore them. I choose the latter. People like this DO suck... but even if he did give a horrible rating, its one horrible rating from one player who's frustrated and xbox live will be able to see that you don't get them constantly. I wouldn't worry. **** like this happens to me all the time
  5. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Block Communication.

    That's the first thing I do, whenever I get any kind of message from kids like these. Why whould you even waste your with responding to them?
  6. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Forerunner

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    My siggy. These guys were trash talking me before the game and I showed them up. Afterwards they messaged me crap like "all you did was run up and melee me". My stats didn't have very many melee kills, but yeah...
    They were so mad. :3

    Kills and deaths from that game based on weapons: [​IMG]

    Would you look at that, bunch of deaths from melee weapons...
    #6 iamluke21393, May 9, 2012
    Last edited: May 9, 2012
  7. Cortex

    Cortex Promethean

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    Well there was this one dude back a while ago at first he seemed all right prep talking us before the game started and all then he just starts screaming in is mike every time he died, and of course he cursed at us for sucking ( we won at the end I had the most kills) good times.
  8. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Earlier this week:

    Random: Huh, I'm going to own you guys. What kind of GT is Flying Shoe Anywayz?
    Shoe: Cool, I get to mute someone!

    This is basically what I do with any matchmaking idiots. Mute, then Block Communications. Overall the community is rather unintelligent, but there are enough good people to make up for the others. Wouldn't keep me from going back (even if a few of the maps might.)
  9. Behemoth

    Behemoth The Man With No Face
    Senior Member

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    Surprisingly, this hasn't really happened to me.
    Every once in a while I will get a few "Inheritors" (or little kids who think their badass for playing on their older brother's profile) who start screaming like little girls.
    Solution? Mute the ****ers.
    There isn't anything you can do otherwise.
    #9 Behemoth, May 11, 2012
    Last edited: May 11, 2012
  10. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    Oh you guys, you're missing out on the fun.

    Trolling trolls is one of life's greatest experiences.
  11. Matty

    Matty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It also goes on forever.
  12. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    You must be really bad at it then.
  13. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    That's why I only play Rumble Pit, it's fun most of the time except on a single maps where who ever has the one power weapon. Adding to Sargeant, if you never trolled in MM you are in fact missing out. It's messing with people, I don't consider betraying for weapons trolling, that's just ignorant, which I wish for a better betrayal system in H4..
  14. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Well my friend was in a game with a guy who during 1 game had 100 killionaires, 1 million headshots and had everything in the game (including 100% commendation completion) and my friend messaged him after the game accusing him of modding and he replied in a 6 year old voice: "Am not hackin'! Am a total pro! After which my friend (and i) filed a complaint against him for all kinds of cheating (because we didn't know which one to pick). He was offline straight after it and we have never heard from him ever since.

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I went into matchmaking yesterday in hopes of getting the 20,000 cR jackpot. I did, but on the way I lost a little more respect for it. There are constantly teams/clans who will talk trash and play better because they are much more organized. I got double-teamed more on Halo than some trashy **** in a porno.
  16. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Forerunner

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    Kept getting teamed with people that would do something for the first two minutes, then just sit there. Feel your pain.
    Hit the jackpot once thought. Felt good.
  17. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I mute all players except when I play with friends. Not worth talking to the idiots in matchmaking, which unfortunately is like 95% of the players. It's almost funny how often people teabag and trash-talk for the most meaningless **** (oooooh, you managed to kill me with rockets when I was fighting someone else! amazing!), or - even better - when they do so en route to a loss. Those are usually the same people that message me after a game with all their excuses and insults, most of which I just delete (or send them back a short troll response just to make them mad).

    I do keep my mic on and unmuted when I play with friends though, because somehow it's funnier being trash-talked by people you know you'll beat 95% of the time. The other day after we laid a 50-35 beatdown on a clan team, one of them shouted "POWER WEAPON NOOBS! POWER WEAPON NOOBS!" over and over in the post-game lobby. He was clearly trying to piss us off, but it just gave us something to laugh about all afternoon.
  18. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Story Time: :p

    I remember playing a normal game where one teammate quit, the rest were brand new to the game (so...extreme derps) and my team was barely losing, but I was carrying the team. Getting practically 3v1'd in all DMR duels, I tried a new approach: utilizing the shotgun in tight areas. We barely win the game and one guy on their team starts talking extreme **** on me about how I can't play despite the fact that 1) I was MVP going somewhere around +15 while he went +1 or something off the derps on my team and 2) whenever I saw this guy, I either shotgunned him or out-DMR'd him.

    He insisted on calling me a ***** because of the way that I played so I told him that I took advantage of the lack of a team that I had and played differently and I'm willing to 1v1 on MLG settings and he refused just to keep calling me ****. 15 messages back and forth of calling him a *****, he tries to act tough by saying: "you *****, get blocked."

    Normally, I could accept that the guy is just a loser trying to keep his e-peen large, but letting him go wouldn't be fun... I got on one of my 10 Xbox Silver accounts and sent him a new message going "so I heard you're a massive ***** trying to stroke your e-peen by acting like you have balls," and he rages at me and blocks that account. So I get on another account and say, "so I heard you block people that are better than you," and rages at me again, calling me gay. So I get on another account and say, "so I heard you like getting rammed by 12 inch double-dildo," at which point he loses his mind and threatens to hack me if I get on one more I get on another account and say, "so I heard you're too retarded to know how to hack accounts."

    This went on for like 5 hours and was the most hilarious person to **** with. I ended up getting one of his concerned friends to talk (and agree) with me about how he's a little *****. Just when I stopped sending him messages, he unblocked me to start round 2 because he found out I took a screenshot of him, titled it "extreme bad kid" and left a description shitting on him, which he found because it was left in his file browser under "screenshots of you."
  19. Roxas121

    Roxas121 Promethean

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    That's hilarious, props on the pro trolling.

    Anyone else notice the excessive hack threats? If I didn't know any better I'd say that half of the Xbox Live population is a bunch of cyber terrorists with an inferiority complex....
    #19 Roxas121, Jun 12, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2012
  20. FM and the BB

    FM and the BB Promethean

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    Just tell him "its all gun b k"

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