This summer I plan to release a machinima series titled Defiance. It's about a police department in New Alexandria trying to liberate none other than their own city. Only problem is, I need voice actors. There are about 20 main characters that must be filled, and more positions will appear as minor characters. Think the Italian Job, except on a huge scale. Now for the characters! Tier 1 – Patrolmen Richard Henderson: A young Patrolman who is budding for promotion. Lost his partner in a rebel ambush. He's young, only in his 20s, but he is as experienced and intelligent as those in old age. – 1 Logan Fillion: Richard’s partner, roommate, and close friend.– 2 Tier 2 – ODSTs Nathan North: A squad leader who is also a joker. Deep down, he is actually a troubled man. – 3 Jack Vogt: a middle-aged man, older than North, who is a top sharpshooter. – 4 Gary “The Rookie” Viera: A very young ODST rookie, who’s mouth is always faster than his brain. – 5 Hocus: Lost his voice when he was shot in the neck. He used to talk alot. No other information. (If you have not realized that this role does not speak, please click off this page immediately.) – 6 (SHOT IN THE ****ING NECK, SO I THINK I CAN LIST THIS AS CASTED.) Tier 3 – Detectives Gabe Clarke: A 30s detective. As a kid he was very spoiled, until he lost his entire family to a Chimera attack. He was thrown onto the streets, and had to fend for himself. - 7 Henry Morgan: An old man who is Gabe’s Mentor, and father figure. African American voice REQUIRED for this part. – 8 Tier 4 – UNSC Operatives Scott Garfield: A 30s UNSC Recon Team leader. – 9 Peyton Mitchell: A sniper, and Scott’s friend. – 10 SSGT. Eric Miller: A known relative to Civilian Michael Miller, and an experienced soldier. He sometimes can down himself. - 11 Tier 5 - Pilots Kendall "Bishop" Black: A very experienced young pilot that was originally part of the UNSC Air Battalion, until he got demoted to police duty. - 12 Carlos "Dawg" DeVito : An experienced helicopter pilot that was employed in Baeing Air until the helicopter crash, in which he lost one of his arms. Latino Recommended for this part, but Americans may also apply. - 13 Tier 6 – Leaders General Coward :A General who clawed his way to power. – 14 Commissioner Swag: A friend to all of the NGPD. He will be missed. - 15 Major Witcher: A new command center agent. A voice similar to AWACS/Magic from the Ace Combat series or Overlord from the Modern Warfare 3 series recommended. - 16. Tier 7 - Antagonists Commander Chimera: A well spoken, BRITISH/EUROPEAN man who is similar to General Coward in thought, actions, and even voice. Rumored to even be related to General Coward. - 17 CPL Praxton - A young Chimera operative who assists in the invasion, but changes sides due to being betrayed by Commander Chimera, and then assists in his death and the Liberation. - 18. Rebel Leader: The Leader of the Rebels. A known enemy of the NGPD, but after the Chimera attack, if your enemy is also your other enemy's enemy, then he is your friend. Switches sides. - 19 Tier 8 - Civilians Michael Miller: The CEO of Artifex Industries - Reach Division, and relative to SSGT. Eric Miller. A successful man in life. (Only voices one episode.) - 20 Conor: A boy found in the woods by Richard, Logan, and Kendall. An excellent rifleman. No other information. - 21 Radio Man (Optional) A radio man who comes on the radio during the Invasion. - 22
I could do some voice acting. Willing to be cooperative. Also would love to delve into filming machinima, I want to write one with zombies in the next few months.
Seriously, if you aren't going to contribute anything productive or even relevant to the thread, don't post. My email is What character(s) would you be willing to voice?
I'm sorry as far as voice acting I have nothing to offer.i have my Xbox mic and do not have acess to a computer.i can always do body acting.
Cool. I'll keep an eye out.i can listen well and I have more than half the armor bought and over 700,000 credits so armor is no problem.
I read through your list of characters, but not sure about who to pick still, are any of the characters you have in mind very tech smart, enough so that a moderately condescending and obsessive programmer would fit the right personality?
Sorry this is a little of a bump, but I would love to help you guys out with some voice acting. I really do like the variety of colorful personas you have here. Actually its quite hard to pin which character I connect the most to. I'm quite talented in impersonations and can do several different tones and voices if you need similar voices for certain roles.
Send me an audition (just talk about something random, your dog, your cat, what you had for lunch, your social security number, anything so I can see what your voice sounds like. Do multiple impersonations so I can put you in multiple roles, maybe.) Send it to and we can talk from there. UPDATE: A Action Trailer/Montage for Defiance (The Machinima) is coming out in about an hour or two. Stay tuned, I'll be posting it when it comes out! [br][/br]Edited by merge: We have alot more places to fill! Please sign up!