Hey hey! Found Forgehub from r/halo after someone said this was a good place to find some cool people to play some customs with! So here I am! Stopped playing Halo for a few months after MW3 came out (don't stone me to death!) because I literally know no one playing Reach anymore. But as of last week I'm playing it again and loving it more than ever! So I'm really excited to be here and join a community that loves playing Halo!
Hey man, welcome to the community! Lookin' for some customs, heh? There are a bunch of groups here that I'm sure would love to have you join. Just do some lurkin'... Tuna > Cod ^Get it?
Are you good at making sammiches? I'd liek a tuna mayo and sweetcorn one please. White bread. Sorry, your name makes me hungry. Welcome to ForgeHub, haunt of trolls and guys pretending to be girls.
Cod you say??? *grabs a stone* No. Welcome and as said above there are always customs.in fact I'm having one on Saturday if you want to come.
Your post about sammiches makes me hungry! Trolls and guys pretending to be girls? Sounds like the internet! Thanks!! For sure! That'd be awesome!