
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by xdemption, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
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    I got a chance to play this map for the first time earlier today and I was very impressed! You did and outstanding job on the aesthetics and it made for a very pleasent experience. I definitely think this is one of the more impressive forges in MM.

    My only gripe I personally have his the lack of movement on the bottom floor. I would love to see you open up the bottom level and let players walk under the structures instead of walling them off. Im sure there are some peices that would stick out if you opened the bottom up but if you can manage to work some more escape routes on the lower level it would bring some extra life into the map.

    That's really the only problem I had with the map. Finding weapons was easy and I was never disoriented at all. I don't care if others have gripes with the map, I for one am very pleased to see this make the final cut. This map is very much worth being in MM. This is a map that casual gamers will completely fall in love with and competitive gamers can learn to go along with it. Thumbs up from me, redemption. Great job!
  2. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nobody pushes a map to a Cartographer. The CC's can pull maps from anywhere, from anyone, for any reason and do not need consent from the author although most CC's will discuss things with you. Same goes with 343i.

    Got to play this in MM earlier. Got spawn trapped pretty bad by a few Inheritors. I was playing by myself though. Still not liking the weapon placement, I know I've mentioned the things to you before. The Snipers were sitting in the back corners of the map waiting for players to cross over Gold or Green.

    Still, definitely one of the better maps of the update. Also, isn't Imago the only map from The Library that made it into MM?
  3. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
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    Yeah I can see what you mean by the sniper placement, noooooch. This map almost doesn't even need a sniper honestly. Its a great dmr battle kind of a map. I would have to look at the map again, but maybe moving them down to the bottom level in front of the base would work?
  4. lReVoLuTioNiZe

    lReVoLuTioNiZe Promethean

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    Excuse you but I think a 5 year old child would have a better taste for maps then you do. This is amazingly a well team slayer approached map you don't need to bash it. You should receive a infraction for even saying one word about this map.
    PS to the creator I played this map in matchmaking and I automatically knew who made it, and I just want to say I'm really glad you have achieved your Forge career goal to get it into matchmaking. Your old friend, Architect...
  5. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, i think your right on that part. You got spawn trapped? I didn't have these kinds of problems during testing stages because of the map's size, although that could be more involved with your team's organization. I can't really imagine how they did it because imago isn't that small. Still spawn trapping and spawn killing are two different things, were you spawn killed? If so I'll need to look into it.

    I gotta get a game on my own map first and foremost. Can't even get a damn game on it because weighting screws it all up and people still wanna pick uncaged for some god-awful reason. I am gonna see if moving them down in the courtyard would be better. As for people sitting back with the sniper that is really common in all maps, I did things to try and counter this and I know ways to flank those positions but it will still occur.

    I hope that the CC can contact me on the matter, I'll look into trying to improve the map's weapons and for some odd reason the spawns (which I reworked hundreds of times). I can't promise that spawn trapping can be avoided but I'll see what I can do.
    #45 xdemption, May 2, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2012
  6. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
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    No, I wasn't spawn killed. They were just doing a real solid job of holding down top green and top gold and me and my team essentially couldn't move anywhere off spawn. We kept spawning on different sides of the map too. Keep in mind that they were in a party of four vs me and some randoms. They were playing really well.

    I was never instantly killed or shot at off spawn, but I know a spawn trap when I see one. I've been spawn trapped plenty in Sanc and Pit, and this was only a little different being that the spawning was semi-static/dynamic.

    Also, don't forget that players may actually want to be able to set up a spawn trap. Especially in Arena. This may be a positive thing, unless it's too easy to set up.

    You should create a feedback thread at Waypoint. Someone was already asking where the feedback thread for Imago is.

    EDIT - 'A Little Moa' already created a feedback thread for Imago. You should message him.
    #46 Noooooch, May 2, 2012
    Last edited: May 2, 2012
  7. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Alright, thank you for clarifying that nooooch, got me scared there. As for the snipers I'll try and see if I can get slight changes made to the sniper position, no promises for they may not care that much for it. I suppose that the form of spawn trapping your describing is okay, for spawn trapping is taking map knowledge and utilizing it to it's fullest potential.

    I will be watching that forum like a hawk from now on, to see what the community thinks of it. So much work so little time, guess the pros and cons of getting a map into MM. Again, thanks for all of FH's support. It would have never made it in if it weren't for the help of those who use this site.
  8. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    A little quick to judge? Actually schnitzel has a great taste in maps. He just gets carried away sometimes. An infraction? ok so I guess all of us should be reported for commenting on this if that's the case. everyone has the right to express their opinion and criticism. And what schnitzel said, he's made some fairly decent statements to the flaws of the map. He just isnt happy with the results. This is someone who has experience with competative maps and how they play. dont be too quick to make immature statements like that.

    EDIT: Got a game on it this morning, and as far as matchmaking goes, the map flows very well as far as gameplay goes. Anyways like Nooooch Said, the weapon placement could be inproved upon. Great job though. In fact I actually enjoyed MM for once
    #48 RoboArtist, May 2, 2012
    Last edited: May 2, 2012
  9. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
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    Go into Fileshare search and look in the video section of the search. I believe you can tag your gamertag in the search and it will bring up temporary history of recent games played on your map.
  10. lReVoLuTioNiZe

    lReVoLuTioNiZe Promethean

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    I find my statement as mature as his was so please just let it be and I am a great judge for maps as well and this map does has limited to no flaws
  11. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
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    I will have to disagree with your statment of being 'a great judge' if you say that this map 'has limited to no flaws'. And I also cringe to see a very new member bash another without actually knowing who he actually is.

    Anyways I played TU Slayer DMRs today on this map in matchmaking, and it is actually a good map. It does have problems though, weapon placement and such, but what made me enjoy it was the amount of teamwork the map required. I liked how you had to communicate to each other to create successful flanks and whatnot.
  12. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    You've obviously never played the map, then. Serious spawn issues even in a 3v3 game. To be more specific, spawns seemed to always pull towards orange, regardless at times of how close any enemies were. I also thought that the amount of breaks in the middle wall caused conflicts to happen much to quickly and often times get you in fights right off spawn. The main problem for me was the pass in between bottom green and bottom orange. The shear size of it made the map feel way too open. I didn't very much like the weapon placement or amount of weapons on Imago. The rockets and snipers are too close to each other and this became a problem since all the action goes towards orange, allowing someone to easily grab everything quite quickly. Overall, the snipers were all right, the rockets were OP due to the lack of open dancefloor and the grenade launcher was a good pick.

    What I would want to see changed is:

    -make the map bigger (this layout might work, but the current size of it does not)
    -move and change weapons
    -update spawns (this would be easier if the size of the map increased)
    -decrease the size of the middle opening

    From the maps ive played so far, its one of the better choices this round, but there were still a few problems (they all have them)
    #52 NlBBS, May 3, 2012
    Last edited: May 3, 2012
  13. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Changing the weapons is already being considered, one problem that happened was 1 clip was added to rockets when its supposed to be 0 clips I beleive. I was already giving the spawns some thought after a few games in MM, I don't know if that is being caused by the weighting factor of spawns on MM. Either way thanks for the advice nibbs. I could put a skirt that extends downward for mid, not too sure how it could work. I wish that this feedback was given to me earlier so I could have actually made these changes beforehand. I will look into trying to contact one of the CC to see if improvements can be made. thanks guys, I'll try my best.
    #53 xdemption, May 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 3, 2012
  14. Luv Gunn

    Luv Gunn Cartographer
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    This thread should work fine or over at Blueprint if you wanted faster responses... in a perfect world the snipers would be back where they originally spawned behind the initials... what made you move them anyway?
  15. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I only moved them SLIGHTY from their original position, the problem was they snipers were never obvious so all I did was move them in front of the bunkers that they sat in. Not a drastic change, so people can still move to that position but the sniper will be more obvious from now on.
  16. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Just to throw this out there, but this map is always my priority vote in MM. I've been playing super/team slayer recently, so all the other maps are extremely crappy. This and Pulse are the only maps I can stand in MM.
  17. tikitike13

    tikitike13 Forerunner

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    holy crap this map is beast no frame rate drops boss spawning good cover and weapon placement my faverite map next to mlg sanc
    #57 tikitike13, May 10, 2012
    Last edited: May 10, 2012

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