Hello gentlemen. This here is a project that's been in the works for quite a while now, and I wanted to give you guys a nice little sneak peak. Forge Universal: Emerald Park (Teaser Trailer) - YouTube Now since the making of this video, there have been a few changes, along with some changes that are still being tested, such as: -Name has been changed to "Viridi Paradiso" ("Green Garden") -Rockets have been replaced with OS -Shotgun has been replaced with GL -Spawns are still being tweaked -Deciding on either Sniper or Focus Rifle (Both are wonderful) -Debating on teleporter (not shown in video) Weapons: DMR: 8 Needle Rifle: 4 Needlr.com: 2 Sniper Rifle: 1 Grenade Launcher: 1 Plasma Grenades: 6 (or so...) Frags: Same as Stickies I'm lookin' for some constructive criticism folks, please comply or be force fed ground cat marinated with pig blood mixed in bowl made from your grandmother's skull.
I think I like the name Emerald Park over the new one. I think Viridi Paradiso is too busy. As for the map itself, I like it. Good location, and a good use of terrain.
I'm still debating on the two for the name... In other news, thanks for the compliments. It's the first time I've actually tried using natural terrain.
Goodness gracious! The map is severely lacking structural cover. Virtually the whole map is one massive dance floor with very little to break up line of sight. It's also relatively "flat" in the aspect that there isn't much distinct height variation. I would suggest adding a little more structure of sorts... Something to segment the map to some degree, as well as increasing the vertical aspect of it. Hit me up on XBL and I'll be willing to give you a hand with this. Nice choice of music btw.
Nice Change since i work on it with ! Happy to see that you like my rocks ! If you could invite me for a couple test on it , it would be great . ALSO MUSE FOR THE WIN !!!!
Muse is good. Muse is very good. As for the map, its alright. But it seems very hectic. Not really sure what all you can do but maybe add some tactical jumps and more cover
Most of these issues have been covered (get it? "covered?" wich my map was mentioned to lack? but I fixed? lololol) in my last run through forge before posting this, by the way, but thanks guys. And Schnitzel, the video didn't really show the Tele area at the back by Blue, which is a bit better in terms of hight difference. I'd love to see what you have in mind though. I'll add you today on LIVE. @RoboArtist tac jumps are being implemented.
I was just gonna watch the video without sound, but then MK Ultra came on... Tasteful musical choice aside, though, I very much have to agree with Schnitzel here. The lack of distinctly separated areas and height variation makes the map just feel empty. Also, with most of the routes around the map just being slight variations on paths through the same central area, there really won't be much strategy involved besides "run to where you see enemies, kill them, repeat". Map flow and defendable positions both seem to be lacking. Furthermore, the map's aesthetics, while fairly clean, are very bland and are something I've seen countless times before. Now, I know you said you've fixed the things that Schnitzel took issue with, so I'll wait and see. That said, these aren't really things that can just be solved with "a quick run through forge". These are fundamental design choices that are flawed on the map, which won't simply go away from having some soft cover added here and there. Still, I look forward to seeing how this turns out.
Thanks Duck. These are the things I need to hear! It IS a pretty basic design and, like I said in the origional post, it is still "in the works." So I'm not TOO attatched to the design yet, meaning that I'm up for some major renovations. As for asthetics, I'm still a little... eh, on them. I just like to keep things clean and not look like total garbage. Though it is IS a little grey... Thanks again dudes.
Well it sounds like you're willing to make necessary changes based on feedback, that's good (people who just ignore feedback are annoying and end up with crappy maps). I'd like to test this sometime and see if I can give you some more input, but it definitely sounds like you have the right attitude towards the map. Oh, and I would recommend Emberald Park over Viridi Paradiso as a name, especially considering there's already a map in Reach named Paradiso (albeit a crappy one).
I hate to give negative remarks but ... if this maps been in progress for a while perhaps its time to move on... It could just be the video but it doesn't really project me to want to play on it. The map itself lacks cover, has long lines of sight. Looks bad... doesn't seem to have a game play flow. Its also missing something to draw you in and say hey that's unique. Lastly For the sake of what little color there is in forge please color your items!
It's a good thing that his map has been in production for a while. That let's us know that he is earnestly making the map as best it can be instead of forging something in eight hours and calling it done. OT: Long lines of sight aren't necessarily a bad thing, but can become a problem when there are too many of them. I cannot really say anything without repeating everyone else, but I suggest adding cover. Of course, this doesn't equate to placing random blocks everywhere. Invite me to testing too pl0x. EDIT: How does the map look bad? Yes, he took a simpler approach to aesthestics, but that doesn't mean the map looks bad.
Lack of Aesthetics and Detail give the map a flatter, more maze like look. Fix that and you've got a pretty amazing map.
Duck. Basket... Skate. I'll add you two to the Forge/Test Party as well. Thanks for all of the (mostly) positive feed back guys, I really appreciate it.
Excellent map. Glad to have helped along the way. It's a good thing you kept working on it because it definitely got better. I can't think of a better weapon setup for the map which is great. The green park feel is sick. This map is the start of your great forges. Keep it up.
Ohai Paints. Thanks for your help and support so far, I'm gonna need you to hang in there with me for a bit, haha. I'm thinkin' about changing up Blue quite a bit, like elevating it a bit more and such. Test tonight?
It's an interesting map, I like that raised bit, I'm not realy sure what you call it but it stands out, cant wait to see the finished map
Raised bit... the "dock"? or Rocket spawn? Or some other location? I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE PEOPLE LIKE DUDE. Just kidding, thanks!