Hiya ForgeHub community, I'm IAmLuke21393, and I'd like to share a gametype with you that I created called Ninjas. This is my first submission to ForgeHub outside of the tester's community, but I think that it's good enough to be released to the public because it's really fun and it was pretty simple to make. So, let's discuss how the game works. Obviously, it's a slayer-type game with swords, but I used the Team Hotshot gametype to give the ninjas unlockable traits as they gain consecutive kills. Ninjas start out with nothing but their trusty sword... ...but with a quick slice, they'll be able to evade their opponents attacks and make their own more easily... ...with another, they'll be able to detect their enemies before their enemies can detect them... ...and with their third kills, they'll be able to hide in plain sight... For those of you that prefer to just know how the gametype works without me trying to make it look cool, here's what I changed: -Players start with swords. No weapons, grenades, vehicles, turrets on the map. -Players do not have shields. -Players do not move slower/do more damage with consecutive kills. -First kill unlocks the armor ability evade. -Second kill unlocks the radar with a 10 meter radius, which is smaller than usual. -Third kill unlocks poor camo. There are two Ninjas gametypes you can play. Ninjas: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Ninjas Free For All: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details These work just like regular slayer games in that the team-based Ninjas goes to 50 kills and the Free For All Ninjas goes to 25 kills. Since this is my first gametype submission to the ForgeHub community, I'd love some feedback. -What'd I do right? -What should I change? -Want to see more of my work? Thanks for reading!
this looks very interesting. ive never heard of of customized team hot shot so i would like to see how this plays. just a quick question, once you die do you lose all of your abilities, because i am not firmiliar with the gametype. anyways looks really nice and i cant wait to play... ohh also are there any prefered maps to use or can we go ahead and use it on any forged slayer map?
This is pretty close to my original game-type of Happy Ninjas but now I put a gravity hammer in and plasmas. Mine is way more complicated but just as fun as this one. I like to download and see if there is a huge difference. Are the ninjas really fast or not. Anyway I think it would be awesome if they where parsley clocked to begin with. Hope people play it a lot. Your Aquatint, Charles J. Stoot. "It is Luck That you Failed"
Yes, once you die your "heat meter" goes back to zero and you lose your abilities. There are no preferred maps to play it on. Just make sure that the map size is relative to how many people are playing, of course. You sent me a message about this, but I'll respond here too. I wasn't trying to copy your gametype, but if you think that they're really close then you can take the credit for this gametype. I was just trying to contribute to the community. I did, however, change a few things from your gametype. -Hotshot instead of Slayer. -No loadouts. -No sticky grenades. I might be missing a few things there, but I know what gametype you're talking about. I've seen it, never played it. Looked cool. And to answer your question, player speed was not tampered with. It's still at 100%.
it's kind of like gun game for COD, sounds pretty cool. I think I'll give it a download except maybe use DMRS