Hello everyone, leading up to the release of Halo 4 i thought id do 6 frge-off sort of things, so i will give everyone a specification and you will have to make a map to those specifications and me and some friends will judge them, so here we go for round 1 of 6. Gametype: Team Slayer Player Count: 4v4 Date to be finished: 14th of May Base Map: Forge World Rules: you must have started the map from NOW until the 14th of MAY, no earlier no later, we can check and we will check, any maps made before or after will be disqualifed! so this means you need to open up a NEW Forge World! and follow the rules above. the map can be as big as you want, as many weapons as you want, as competative, just follow those rules and you will be fine. i will make a new thread on the 14th of May and i will put the way you post the map, i know the picture quality wont be very good atm but try and get them as good as you can thats it atm, and good luck oh P.S. there are no prizes, i might if i get enough money give all 6 winners some microsoft points at the end but its no guarentee, this is purely for fun
Don't think I'll be able to participate. Making my map "The Elusive Rat" and it looks like itll take some time to complete it. Plus I'm not at all familiar with the standards most others are, I don't know anything about what makes good gameplay in just about any gametypes. All I have focused on is mechanics and minigames.
haha realy mines the 15th, and im off on that day so thats why i did it to be posted in on that day and also thats cool, im not participating but thats because im judging, also i know its a competition with no prize but i honestly dont realy have anything to give away at this time so yeah haha
awsome, cant wait to see what you come up with oh and by the way everyone, each one as time goes on will get harder so itll be like make a infection map, use certain pieces to make a headhunter map etc so its worth trying to win this one ;P
You should extend the time for posting the map. About a week isn't enough time to build a map. If you extend, I will attend.
its plenty of time, most of my maps i make it about 6 hours but if everyone wants me to then i will but it will have to be everyone
It's too bad I can't submit my map to the contest, it would support a (team slayer)ish scenario no doubt in my mind, but I started it a few days ago, so i started it too early to submit.
yeah sorry but i cant realy make any exceptions :/ sorry its just so its a fair contest etc, we will be doing tests on the maps as well so test them aswell if you can
I agree, a week is short. Anybody can make a map in 6 hours, but that doesn't mean it will be good. lol.
Exactly. To make a good map you need lots of time. It took about a month or so (often several of these months) for what I would call my 'best' creations and I know others take far longer when no time limit is had. Deadlines are fine, but a short one like this will ward off some who might have joined in otherwise and produce lower quality results.
In cases like this, it's often better to only deny maps that have already been submitted to the competitive section instead of denying maps that people have been working on for a few weeks or days. Truthfully, 2 weeks to make a map and test it thoroughly isn't enough time. The quality of maps will greatly suffer with such strict limitations. If someone is dedicated to finishing a map they've already got going, they won't want to drop that to start making a new one for a contest with no rewards.
You should talk to a mod about prizes and stuff. I agree with most of the people on this thread, two weeks isn't enough. On a totally unrelated note, my birthday is May 29th
Okay I'll update it later today do you can submit maps that already haven't been submitted on forge hub and also I will extend the time by another erm 2 weeks maybe
I'm sorry to say... But I don't know what you mean when you say "haven't already been submitted on forge hub".
It means just what it says. If you've released a map on Forgehub before the start of this contest, then it cannot be entered.