Temple of Retribution A Quake remake By Noooooch Description: A big, asymmetrical room-based map best suited for ~8 player FFA's and 4v4's or 5v5's. The scaling is a little off and some of the curved architecture has been squared to keep a clean look and keep object count low. MLG gametypes are recommended to pick up the pace since it is a fairly big map and to allow the CPU to mimic the Yellow Armor. The weapon set mostly mimics Quake's. A few judgement calls were made to better translate the map for Reach as described below. Tags: QUAKE, BPNOOOOOCH Sniper Rifle and Overshield / (Q) Rail Gun and Quad Damage CPU / (Q) Yellow Armor and Shotgun A few frags and a Spiker / (Q) Rocket Launcher Shotgun / (Q) Red Armor Grenade Launcher / (Q) Plasma Rifle Rocket Launcher / (Q) Rocket Launcher Overview -The Yellow Armor in the hall has been has been neglected. The Shotgun near the other Yellow Armor has been moved underground to the replace the Red Armor. An Overshield has replaced the Quad Damage. Power Weapon Set Up: Overshield x1 / 180s CPU x1 / 120s Sniper Rifle x 1 / 118s / 1 spare clip Rocket Launcher x 1 / 118s / 0 spare clips Shotgun x 1 / 88s / 0 spare clips Grenade Launcher x 1 / 88s / 1 spare clips Other Notes: Before anyone asks, no I have never played Quake. I came across this map while looking for inspiration for design and aesthetic and it looked like a great map to play on. A friend of mine (in real life) is a huge Quake freak, so this is an attempt for me to get him to start forging in preparation for Halo 4. This map is not jet pack friendly. There is a hard kill ceiling over the entire map. You will not hit the hard kill unless you have a jet pack, and the map is better suited for MLG gametypes anyway. The high walls of the original design are meant to keep you from escaping. Also, some of the seemingly thick walls are hollow to keep object count low but are soft killed if you manage to make it over the walls and trespass the hard kill ceiling. Enjoy! If you have any feedback to offer, please feel free to comment.
I know you're trying to make the map's weapon set as similar to the Quake map as possible, but I'm not so sure about the sniper being right next to a lift to OS. Otherwise, I'm really digging the map. There need to be more 4-player asyms out there.
Looks pretty solid. The second screen shot reminded of the Doubles Map Synapse (I think it's synapse) It looks pretty good Keep up the good work
Synapse is complete garbage, this map plays well. Noooooch, you know I don't like remakes, but if you were going to do one, Quake is the best option. So many great maps, including this one.
Dear god this map was a blast, both on team slayer and FFA. Layout is easy to learn the but has enough complexity to enjoy a good game with the lot of your friends. Too bad this is a remake, otherwise I would be down to see this design in matchmaking, worth a download and always fun no matter what. Cheers Noooooch
I initially only had Rockets there at 180s and that area got almost no play time. There is almost no cover out there and you have your back against a wall. It needed something to pull players out there, and it needed to spawn pretty quickly to keep players coming back. The Sniper and combined with the OS gives players a fighting chance out there and also mimics the originals anyway. This was really just something to keep me busy for a few days, and to try to lure a friend into forging. Still working on that 4v4 asym, and forging this gave me some ideas on how to better execute it. Yeah it's good fun for 8-10 player FFA's. With all the 4v4's lobbies we've been playing for the Team Slayer task, switching it up into a FFA game on this is refreshing. A lot of people still haven't found the sender node yet, even though I practically show them where it is, lol.
I just played a 13 party free for all on this map and it handled really really well surprisingly! It was mayhem for 15 minutes straight. The spawning got a bit crazy in areas but again, we were over capacity. Its quite large for a 4v4 map so I'm going to say my fav gameplay thusfar has been FFA's for this one. You know I'm a QUAKE fan, great remake.
Nooooch, I forgot I wanted to comment here a long time ago. I know asymmetrical room based stuff can be hard to balance and hard to pull of in reach, but this looks like a lot of fun. I hope you bring it to tcoj one day if you don't have anything new to test. I know you might be frustrated with your latest map (and certain other recent events) but I hope you keep at it.