1 Flag CTF Halo 1 Style

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by alaskanuni, May 3, 2012.

  1. alaskanuni

    alaskanuni Promethean

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    Hey, a buddy of mine recently proposed a challenge to me. There is a case of Dew riding on this so I want it to be good.

    Remember in 1 flag CTF Halo how the flag would change back and forth seamlessly (no round over, no reset of players, no reset of weapons).

    Is there any way to recreate that?

    I figure that would be two ways of going about this:

    1. Rules tweaking: Basically set the rules up in such a way to allow for this, either using delayed spawns or glitches.

    2. Building mechanics: Build a mechanism that would allow someone to get the flag for 3 minutes, then close and no one could get to the flag for 3 minutes. Then build a second one for the other base and off set it by 3 minutes.

    Any thoughts?
  2. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    Ugh, I remember that....

    HOURS on Blood Gultch in Halo CE, entire teams of eight people stuck at a 0-0 stalemate, and the game maker decided to make each team need ten points to win, and never put a time limit.

    That was horrible....

    A mechanic like you mention would only be usable for a few minutes, so the round would be pretty short....

    Not sure though...
  3. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I don't think that first idea would work; I don't think the rules for CTF allow you to do something like that. However, you might be able to do something similar with stockpile, but I haven't experimented enough with that to be able to tell you for sure.

    As far as a mechanism goes, it would need to be designed really well. The map would need to be small enough so that three minutes gives enough time to capture one of the flags. The mechanism couldn't just be a single door opening either, because that only provides one way of accessing the flag, which typically doesn't make for good gameplay. You'd also need to do something such as spawning man cannons or ramps that allow the players to get to that flag. Even still, this could be a bit frustrating. Players that are initially "defense" in a two flag game won't necessarily know that they cannot capture the flag in the first three minutes. and, the "attackers" would have a similar problem after the first three minutes.

    I like this idea though, so I'll keep thinking about it and try to get back to you.
  4. alaskanuni

    alaskanuni Promethean

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    I GOT IT!! What I do is put a 2-way tele in place of the flag pedestal (lets say at red base). Then make a small room with just the other node and that base's flag. Then put a landmine down on that tele to block it and set the land mine to respawn every 3 minutes. Now just spawn something (I was thinking a grenade) to drop on top of the mine every 3 minutes. Then repeat at the other base except set the landmine to "Place at start = false"

    Basically I would forcing each team to teleport to the "flag room" to grab the flag. Then just blocking the teleporters as needed.

    The only flaw is that you could have 2 flags in play if someone had one flag out on the switch.

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