This video was done by Forge Universal, I recommend you check out the channel as there is many maps of interest for those who enjoy competitive maps. Now for the preview, enjoy! Forge Universal presents: Loki (Teaser Trailer) - YouTube
Haha when I read the name I rushed on here thinking it might be the avengers but, it wasnt, but what it was, was an interesting map, I'll do more of a comment tomorrow as I'm pretty much asleep night ;P
MAN, I loved playing this map, I actually was going to save it in testing for customs with friends. So much height variation and you have areas where you least expect to find someone and there is so much great flow in the map. And, of course it's aesthetically pleasing with a good use of the naturals in the right places.
Gawddd, Loki. That 1v1 game we had, to this day, is probably one of the funniest and most enjoyable matches I have had on reach. I don't usually approve of having so many teleports on a map but I have to say on this particular map it is fun as hell. Gameplay on this map is filled with so many surprises, interesting vertical confrontations, and funny cat and mouse chases through various teleporters and hallways usually resulting, in my case, with me completely loosing track off the enemy only to find Redemption somehow behind me. The name Loki fits perfectly.
Though this map is not bad, I would like to see less lazy cover on your future projects. You should try to make cover through the use geometry not pillars.
I had a lot of fun on this map. Sure, you guys dominated, but that's just because I was distracted by the awesomeness that is Loki. I'm also in that vid.
You know I did take a look at the map in forge to redo your spawns, like I said I would. You generally had spawns where I would have placed them, but I wouldn't have used the weak zones like you did. It's on my hard drive next time I see you online. I forgot to menton it to you earlier.
I like the fast-pace of this this map; you're never more than a couple seconds away from an encounter after spawning. Bad spawns are not rare, but they are not wholly common either. Each time I've played on Loki, there has been at least a couple spawns right in front of or behind and enemy. Nooch says you had weak zones on an asym map? Might I ask why...? Just go with dynamic and delete consistently bad spawn points throughout the course of testing. One thing I would like to see altered is the tele receiver that takes you up to that small ledge. Even though I know where I'll end up, I always seem to walk right off. Extending that by a little bit so that you can see more of the ledge's floor as soon as you come through the receiver would help players orient themselves with the edge more quickly. The only thing I wish this map had was more unique areas. While your tried-and-true as-few-frame-drops-as-possible object palette looks nice, the construction of each area is sort of bland. I still find the map to feel very corridor oriented, even if they are glorified by being larger spaces than one would expect from a hallway connection. Besides the top area with the rocks that looks out to FW, the rest of the maps' play-spaces aren't that interesting overall.
that was to see if I could balance the spawning, scraped that idea after I saw the results. Me and noooch were discussing the spawns and came up with something that could work better. I need to test this to find out though, as for making the areas more interesting Ill see what I can do. I'll catch you in a game lynx and we can do a run through for anything you can advise. As of now I am busy as hell making changes to Imago and many maps I have yet to test. On a good note the map has been fun as hell to play on but spawning has been a big issue. I'll be doing testing later 2nite if your on.
Whenever I look at your maps I'm always looking for that key and impressive aesthetic feature that most of your previous works include, and it is a little disappointing to see this map lacking in that a little. On the other hand, this map does seem a lot more gameplay focused than your previous endeavors.