Unless I become swayed with new info in between now and it's release date, I see no reason to buy this.
I love the part when it gets all silent and he says "What others cannot...". It's like "whoa, getting dramatic up in here".
So how many games tread that line of "near future," and can this be considered original or not. I like to think it's an original move for the series at least.
Is it just me or is that guys head slightly ****ed up? So yeah, I watched the trailer. The storyline that they've come up with seems pretty cool and I'm interested to see what they will do with some of the weapon designs, such as if they'll be made to look more futuristic or if they'll be kept the same. Graphics look pretty meh but it may just be the quality of the video. Also, I want to play as the old guy, shooting rockets from my wheelchair at any unsuspecting soldier that's stupid enough to get in my way.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Launch Trailer (Official HD) - YouTube 3 years old and still a better launch trailer. Don't break the fourth wall, idiots.
I'm disappointed honestly. I may be alone in this but I still respected treyarch for keeping things "in the past" so to speak. People said WWII based shooters got old but man, this modern/near future craze is driving me up the wall. Never played Blops but I always thought the storyline looked interesting and they had a decent mix between new and older feeling combat. Let's stack this up now: CoD4 Mw2 Mw3 BO2 Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Farcry 3 Battlefield 3 Homefront Medal of Honor Medal of Honor: Warfighter Hell, there is probably more than that and that's all extremely recently or coming up. That's not even including some of the sci-fi shooters like Gears, Halo, Killzone, Resistance, etc. Getting a little more boring than FPSes themselves are. Give me a past setting...hell I don't care if it's an "alternate universe" setting.
Dishonored definitely counts, you could say Thief: Deadly Shadows counts. Biopunk, Dieselpunk, Hydropunk, Art deco... punk. No steam-punk.
Say what you want about the gameplay/story, but god damn that is one ****ing ugly game. I'm not saying it has bad graphics on a technical level(even though it's disappointing in that area too), I'm saying it's just unpleasant to look at.
I'm glad someone said it. The art direction is looking terrible, case and point: every single vehicle except the helicopter and cars.
I'm excited for Dishonored, but damn, I would play the absolute crap out of a competitive multiplayer Steam-Punk FPS.
I liked Black Ops' Multiplayer. It was a little more simple, not to mention I really enjoy the Cold War theme. The Campaign was annoying, instead of just Vietnam, it's 'Every important locataion throughout the Cold War ever.' Walking Robots in 2025? This just looks godawful. Looks like they're stealing ideas from Battlefield now.
If they include all that tech in multiplayer, I might have to check it out. However, it will more likely be the same ole MP with a more unique campaign.
Am I the only one who noticed they have a flying vehicle that looks just like a pelican with different thrusters? Why do they steal ideas form each other?
I couldn't tell you where that idea originates... but it definitely doesn't originate from Halo. Justsayin